So now that he's been (s)elected in a system that even he says is rigged (plus my list of over 80 ways to rig elections) we should just sit back and "trust the plan" and do nothing? FUCK THAT. We need to hold these motherfucking "leaders" accountable - INCLUDING TRUMP. He started the whole Scamdemic™ and will bring on much more misfortune.
You'll see.
Except you won't.
You'll be blinded by your circular reasoning cult with a desperation for saviours.
Keep doing nothing for your freedom.
That's what (((they))) want you to do.
Or save yourselves.
we should just sit back and "trust the plan" and do nothing?
No, not at all. No one said that. I didn't say that, the Q operation didn't say that, in fact, quite the opposite. It is directly because of the Q operation, and, in my own relatively small way, my own efforts, that countless decentralized communities and communication networks have created themselves organically, outside the control system, effectively neuturing the MSM propoganda machine. But please, in all seriousness, explain to all of us what YOU have accomplished...
We'll wait...
We need to hold these motherfucking "leaders" accountable
You say without outlining a plan, no seriously what is your literal plan to accomplish that? Again...crickets...
Do you not realize this is already happening? McCain was executed, and do you really think "Biden" wasn't just an obvious actor this whole time...? And many others...? Most people understand this. Again, you're retarded and have a glaring lack of plan yourself.
He started the whole Scamdemic™
No he didn't. Prove that...
and will bring on much more misfortune.
Sure...let's see that happen, it won't and you have no indications that it will. If you do, prove it. Show them...And again, everyone notices you offer no plan of your own.
You'll be blinded by your circular reasoning cult with a desperation for saviours.
It's exactly the opposite of that. I don't expect Trump or the Q operation to save me or anyone else, but, rather, to create the conditions to allow me to save myself and others to save themselves...again, everyone simply notices that you offer no plan of your own.
Keep doing nothing for your freedom.
Prove that I've done nothing for my you even know who I am or what I have done...? What exactly have YOU done? Retard...
Or save yourselves.
Ok, what's YOUR plan? You are the shilliest shill of all shills. All anyone can notice is that you have no plan, nothing productive to offer, and only serve to shit on others. You are either one of them, or, utterly pathetic that you do their work for them, for free. None of us are sure what's worse.
No, not at all. No one said that. I didn't say that, the Q operation didn't say that, in fact, quite the opposite. It is directly because of the Q operation, and, in my own relatively small way, my own efforts, that countless decentralized communities and communication networks have created themselves organically, outside the control system, effectively neuturing the MSM propoganda machine. But please, in all seriousness, explain to all of us what YOU have accomplished...
Then it sounds like you're not part of the Q-psyop at all. Throw off that label and simply be free. You don't even have to call it a Freedom Movement or anything (as that is being demonized). Bottom-up decentralization is the only way we won't be tempted to be corrupted.
Have a look at Projex.Wiki if you like, but it's not about me. This criticism is about the top-down Q-psyop.
That's weak debate and lousy discussion.
You say without outlining a plan,
You didn't ask for one. So let's develop some plans. Besides not falling for the top-down 5GW we need to continue being skeptics of authority, truth-seekers, and publishers of what we find. We need to develop creative alternatives, solutions, tradeoffs, exchanges, resources, services, and indie-media with different viewpoints and values to the crap (((they))) push on us. You could argue that this is not enough detail, and be correct. It's all been said many times before, including on Projex.Wiki, by me and others, on CorbettReport, GoatMatrix, InfoGalactic, SaidIt, WikiSpooks, etc etc etc. And that's just online. I'm very active in my local communities, but that's a whole other discussion along the same lines.
He started the whole Scamdemic™
No he didn't. Prove that...
Donald Trump was president in 2020, on whose watch they initialized the lockdowns, Warp Speed vaccines, the economic catastrophe we have not fully yet felt - the CARES Act - and he's a fucking Zionist in league with The Great Reset. More recently he's centralizing power, , and even if he doesn't abuse it, those after certainly will. That's how the left-right ratcheting works.
I don't expect Trump or the Q operation to save me or anyone else, but, rather, to create the conditions to allow me to save myself and others to save themselves.
I really really really hope you are correct and I am wrong - but I doubt it and you can look through history (without picking sides) to see how self evident this is.
..again, everyone simply notices that you offer no plan of your own.
Again, this is inauthenticity. I can't interrupt your response to reply so this is bullshittery. I almost didn't bother answering.
Keep doing nothing for your freedom.
Prove that I've done nothing for my you even know who I am or what I have done...? What exactly have YOU done? Retard...
I don't even know you. You haven't volunteered your resume either, so this makes your claims above moot too - but back on topic... I'm not the one who's retarded when you try to answer obviously Q-related rhetorical statements.
Name-calling does not refute the point.
You are the shilliest shill of all shills.
What am I shilling then?
All anyone can notice is that you have no plan, nothing productive to offer, and only serve to shit on others.
Feel free to keep avoiding and/or not-noticing my efforts on GoatMatrix, Projex.Wiki, and beyond.
I'm not shitting on people at all.
I AM shitting on Donald Trump, Q-Anon, lack of skepticism, and blind faith in political saviours.
You are either one of them, or, utterly pathetic that you do their work for them, for free. None of us are sure what's worse.
Funny, I was thinking that about you. Or that you might be a bot.
Nice opening paragraph. Shame about the Q-hopium.
If Q was legit they wouldn't need to talk in riddles and waste time and energy.
You'll see.
So now that he's been (s)elected in a system that even he says is rigged (plus my list of over 80 ways to rig elections) we should just sit back and "trust the plan" and do nothing? FUCK THAT. We need to hold these motherfucking "leaders" accountable - INCLUDING TRUMP. He started the whole Scamdemic™ and will bring on much more misfortune.
You'll see.
Except you won't.
You'll be blinded by your circular reasoning cult with a desperation for saviours.
Keep doing nothing for your freedom.
That's what (((they))) want you to do.
Or save yourselves.
You're fucking retarded, let me explain...
No, not at all. No one said that. I didn't say that, the Q operation didn't say that, in fact, quite the opposite. It is directly because of the Q operation, and, in my own relatively small way, my own efforts, that countless decentralized communities and communication networks have created themselves organically, outside the control system, effectively neuturing the MSM propoganda machine. But please, in all seriousness, explain to all of us what YOU have accomplished...
We'll wait...
You say without outlining a plan, no seriously what is your literal plan to accomplish that? Again...crickets...
Do you not realize this is already happening? McCain was executed, and do you really think "Biden" wasn't just an obvious actor this whole time...? And many others...? Most people understand this. Again, you're retarded and have a glaring lack of plan yourself.
No he didn't. Prove that...
Sure...let's see that happen, it won't and you have no indications that it will. If you do, prove it. Show them...And again, everyone notices you offer no plan of your own.
It's exactly the opposite of that. I don't expect Trump or the Q operation to save me or anyone else, but, rather, to create the conditions to allow me to save myself and others to save themselves...again, everyone simply notices that you offer no plan of your own.
Ok, what's YOUR plan? You are the shilliest shill of all shills. All anyone can notice is that you have no plan, nothing productive to offer, and only serve to shit on others. You are either one of them, or, utterly pathetic that you do their work for them, for free. None of us are sure what's worse.
Then it sounds like you're not part of the Q-psyop at all. Throw off that label and simply be free. You don't even have to call it a Freedom Movement or anything (as that is being demonized). Bottom-up decentralization is the only way we won't be tempted to be corrupted.
Have a look at Projex.Wiki if you like, but it's not about me. This criticism is about the top-down Q-psyop.
That's weak debate and lousy discussion.
You didn't ask for one. So let's develop some plans. Besides not falling for the top-down 5GW we need to continue being skeptics of authority, truth-seekers, and publishers of what we find. We need to develop creative alternatives, solutions, tradeoffs, exchanges, resources, services, and indie-media with different viewpoints and values to the crap (((they))) push on us. You could argue that this is not enough detail, and be correct. It's all been said many times before, including on Projex.Wiki, by me and others, on CorbettReport, GoatMatrix, InfoGalactic, SaidIt, WikiSpooks, etc etc etc. And that's just online. I'm very active in my local communities, but that's a whole other discussion along the same lines.
Donald Trump was president in 2020, on whose watch they initialized the lockdowns, Warp Speed vaccines, the economic catastrophe we have not fully yet felt - the CARES Act - and he's a fucking Zionist in league with The Great Reset. More recently he's centralizing power, , and even if he doesn't abuse it, those after certainly will. That's how the left-right ratcheting works.
I really really really hope you are correct and I am wrong - but I doubt it and you can look through history (without picking sides) to see how self evident this is.
Again, this is inauthenticity. I can't interrupt your response to reply so this is bullshittery. I almost didn't bother answering.
I don't even know you. You haven't volunteered your resume either, so this makes your claims above moot too - but back on topic... I'm not the one who's retarded when you try to answer obviously Q-related rhetorical statements.
Name-calling does not refute the point.
What am I shilling then?
Feel free to keep avoiding and/or not-noticing my efforts on GoatMatrix, Projex.Wiki, and beyond.
I'm not shitting on people at all.
I AM shitting on Donald Trump, Q-Anon, lack of skepticism, and blind faith in political saviours.
Funny, I was thinking that about you. Or that you might be a bot.
Why do you want to kill creativity so much?