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Interesting. The article never explained what negative outcomes occurred as a result. If you complain about something but can't articulate your complaint I treat that as suspect. Likely the republican party doesn't like having to compete with the Libertarian party since RCV makes third parties viable if that's what voters want. That or democrats dislike it because the Libertarian party no longer splits the ticket because people can pick republican second.
That or politicos dislike it in general because with third options being possible they now have to spend money in areas that would otherwise be a party lock-in.
There is a lot of reason why the wrong sorts of people would dislike RCV, and when I guy has put the effort to get his words onto website, and in his own words drove a long distance to sign a petition against it as quickly as possible, but can't be bothered to spend five minutes writing out what he dislikes about it.... hmmm.