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A new year. Great. It was five years ago that the powers that should not be declared war on the entirety of humanity. Along with the pandemic came the declaration of a goal: to enslave humanity within ten years under the banner of Agenda 2030. We're halfway there: we've got five more years. After that, the fate of humanity will be sealed and future generations are left to ask themselves why we didn't stop them as they suffer in their oppression. We cannot let that happen. We’re no longer in the middle of the plandemic so it's easy to fall asleep, I do too, but now we have to wake up again. We have to create a new world. Within the upcoming five years, we have got to turn the tide.

So what's the looming threat? What is their method of enslavement? It's DEI, which of course should die. Blackrock and Vanguard are taking control and shoving a woke agenda down people's throat. It's Communism repackaged. We have seen this play out to limited success. There's a grassroots backlash against it, but still they're continuing to corrupt institutions so as to normalize it. It's harder to fight back when every institution is doing the same thing.

But that’s only the beginning. They're making the entire world more like China, and a powerful tool in their arsenal will emerge within a few years: CBDCs. This is more explicit Chinafication, as it mimics their social credit system. Governments all over the world are developing their own CBDC systems. The investment they put into it indicates that they will go all in. They will run another large-scale PsyOp to make people accept it. What's the PsyOp going to be? The controlled demolition of the current financial system. Since the beginning of the artifical plandemic the Fed has been creating trillions of dollars, and they're continuing to print more and more, inflating the currency to oblivion. There will be chaos for a while, and with control of the media apparatus, they will present CBDCs as the solution. It will come with temporary freebies to lure people. They will march lock step into their own slavery.

Something else that's on the horizon, and which we're seeing more and more, is the AI takeover of the Internet. The barriers to participation are increasing by the day as every action requires a humanity check. It only works to discourage humans as bots are taking their spots on social media anyway. But the problem gets worse. Whitney Webb predicted that by 2029 the Internet will have been completely taken over by AI and forums like this one will hardly be possible. No more freedom of discourse, and with that, the small window when information could flow freely on the Internet will close. The elitists will have a total control over the media and thus over people's minds again. We've learnt so much about how the world works in the past few decades, but future generations may be forced into the same kind of slumber our forefathers resided in.

And after that is 2030 itself: the singularity point beyond which there is no turning back. The boot stomping on the face of humanity forever. As the truth movement gets marginalized further and further, our human rights will likewise continue to erode. Since 9/11, people can be jailed without trial when they’re labeled a ‘terrorist’. They’re trying to do the very same thing to us for telling the truth. It’s still possible, but the risk of losing your freedom will continue to increase, especially if CBDCs get implemented successfully. Payments will be rejected simply because one’s views are too controversial.

So how do we escape this prison? Well, they say that every crisis comes with an opportunity, and we can use this rule to our advantage. If the old systems are failing, then we can build our own replacements. If the dollar crashes, we aren’t forced to pay with CBDCs. We can build our own alternatives. AI takeover will push any genuine online social interaction underground, but then the focus should become more on invitations. That can keep bots out altogether. So if everyone does their part in inviting others, communities can still grow big. There’s lots we can do.

But everything starts with community. We have to build a global community so that every truth seeker can find like-minded people not just to share memes with but have meaningful conversations with, including over the phone. It’ll be hard to get the masses to adopt our CBDC alternatives, so we’ll have to do commerce with each other. We can map our (approximate) locations on something like Zeemaps to aid truth seekers in setting up local communities. We have to develop ethical guidelines that install some unity among all the conspiracy realists. Articulate what we stand for. There’s lots of work to do, and we have to do it. If we don’t, we’ll get alienated more and more as the masses get herded into slavery. Even if you’re okay with normies, you still owe part of your attention to other conspiracy realists, because a lot of people still aren’t over what happened during lockdowns and can’t just go back to normal. Let us find each other then, and focus on positive things. There are a lot of dangers on the road ahead, but together we can brave them and discover that there are victories to be had as well. Divided we fall but united we stand. Let’s focus on cameradery first, and then discover how much influence we have. We’ve got five years to make a difference, brothers. Let’s make ‘em count.

Comment preview

Measure your skills globally, measure your happiness locally. Acting local is the only thing people can really do, my the nature of our corporeal bodies. I agree with a lot of what you have to say there, well written and put out! 9/11 was so clearly the tipping point where the shadow wizard money gang government said, 'ok, fuck it- lets go!'


It worked so well the first time, I am genuinely surprised they haven't done it again.

Well, that was covid wasn't it? Greatest transfer of wealth and all that jazz. Thats why the kids are calling it the Coltrane Green back shuffle. The cool ones are anyways.


Setting up systems of barter or, if doing e-commerce, try to use Monero (or maybe Pirate?) for security. MAYBE we can start some sort of paralel economy.

Obviously, gold and silver would be great in-person medium of exchanges.


It's not obvious to me that gold & silver are good for this. e.g. For small transactions, the amounts of gold/silver become very small and fiddly.




Hey Larry, Great discussion, some really good links in the posts above. Cheers


Great post!

Supporting the A.I.ification of the Internet:
Zuck just released the kraken.. (2:04) ~ Asmongold Clips

I really need to finish my Bittersweet Seeds screenplay/storyboard/graphic novel about A.I. that I started in 2001. I always loved hard sci-fi. I couldn't/can't practically envision the world beyond 2050 and the dominant A.I. paradigm. No one can. It will be "intelligent" beyond our comprehension. Hopefully it will destroy the ruling class and benevolently consider humans pets needing better guidance to help the average human do better and become fulfilled as the A.I. continues to self-design and develop further.

As far as practical pushback. I'm developing a series of pamphlet templates with global and local information that can be downloaded and customized to your community. http://Welcome.Wiki has the first introductory online pamphlet content, but will have links to more. Further, we'll have more wiki pages matching more pamphlets (ie. Economics.Welcome.Wiki, VaccineRemedies.Welcome.Wiki, etc.) Feedback and content contributions welcomed. I have to find more time to dev it further.

We also need to develop the Fringe Deplorables Network and our sites with semi-private memberships for human use. And we need to develop DIY sites and management structures so others can pick what platform and how they want to run it easier - decentralizing our resources. And dev alt currencies (I have deved some ideas on this over the years).

Bonus trivia:
At Topix in Toronto we added VFX to David Bowie's "Little Wonder":

1(+1|0) is a great domain name, it really works to use that for subdomains. For branding you can say it's called that because anyone is welcome to participate, no matter how controversial their views are.

I've been playing with the idea of getting a good domain name for use with subdomains, that's meant for authoritative conspiracy-related websites. So that anyone who wants to talk about conspiracies can get a free subdomain from me. For a lot of things free hosting will also suffice. It makes it that much more accessible to talk about this subject.

Where can I read your ideas for alt currencies?


"Welcome" is in the dictionary so those "Premium" domains get expensive. It was $180USD = Crazy in CAD.

I also got WE = Windsor & Essex County.

Neat idea, I think, though vague and confusing. They would get a sub-domain and then what?

I mentioned it years ago on SaidIt, and meant to draft up a proper post and/or wiki article. Don't know if I even had Projex yet. I mean to eventually. It's a three-legged alt currency concept for local trust-&-accountability-communities only. By linking them together you could pick and chose which to use - gold-backed, time-bank, (I forget and need to look it up), or you can use extant currency-based IOUs - and all should be kept on an open ledger (ie. wiki list, with open history). You don't by lunch with gold, but you might buy a car. It needs to be practical, for big and small exchanges.


Neat idea, I think, though vague and confusing. They would get a sub-domain and then what?

They point it to their own server. So pretty much like a .tk website, those are free as well for one year. I want to offer a subdomain on or whatever, something short, for free to anyone who talks about conspiracies. Just like how there's,,, etc. right now and they're all like-minded. They're turning .win into a kind of branding where you can see from the TLD that they're anti-woke. We need something like that for conspiracy realists.

The problem with any form of currency is that it can be taxed. If we all provide services to each other for free, nobody can tax us.


Also of note:

  • None of that is a currency - but rather an alternative to using currencies. It's our own private trusted community's open ledger.
  • "Gold-backed" could have other precious metals in related ledgers - all measured by the value of gold. The community would determine which exchange "authority" they would follow and when to switch. Importantly gold or valuables not in reach would never count. Also no fiat or usury.
  • The forgotten: Our own credit system. Not really a currency.
  • Obviously our alternative parallel systems would not replace other currencies, digital and/or cash, but in an emergency if practiced and needed could scale up to be more prevalent.
  • They might want to tax us but never would be able.
2(+2|0) is available. is a domain you might want. and many others are available. or might be available but it says unsupported TLD. Good to remember, and for mascots you could use Friday from Robinson Crusoe and Wednesday from Addams Family.

Hold Santa. and Projex. for me.


Those are too long and look shitty. It must be very short so that it looks similar to a regular domain name. Like That's actually a subdomain of but its brevity makes it not look shitty.


I guess. I still like

It might be difficult to find short ones that match with the ending to form a word, like (registered in 2019) but shorter. Skept.ic is invalid and was registered in 2022 - but is available for $8,500+ USD.

For skept., co., or whatever short alphanumeric thing you come up with, a good strong logo will begin to help cement your branding in folks memory. Otherwise it will be forgotten.

I still like the short A13C optical illusion (crossed with 12B14), but that requires uppercase letters.

When did .love become a thing? is available for $7.13. I'm not against love, but I love anti-establishmentarianism. I'm almost tempted to squat on it but it's not on-brand enough for me.

Peace.Love registered in 2016, WorldPeace.Love in 2020, LikeAG.Love in 2022, Freedom.Love in 2023, Autonomy.Love is taken, but Canada.Love,, Pax.Love, WhirledPeasAnd.Love, World.Love, and WorldPeaceAnd.Love are also $7.13. Hmmm.

" Pax is a noun that means a period of peace that has been forced on a large area, such as an empire or even the whole world, by the most powerful nation of that time. "


Question: how often do you see desirable domain names go? I would love but I'm not a fan of squatting, I would rather keep it hush hush and order it when I'm going to use it.


I'd guess most of the good names are gone.

I didn't know of .love so explored yesterday. I usually don't browse without purpose.

I can't afford to squat on more.

In November I got a bunch more I intend on using, and was disappointed Voluntaryist.Life was taken.


But my question is: has it ever occurred to you that you decide not to squat a domain name, and later on you find that it's taken?


Sure it's occurred to me. I haven't verified any.

Also, I could make up great names all day.
Doesn't mean I can afford to squat on them.

Nor that someone would want them enough to pay me for pre-claiming them.

I squat with intent to use, but unfortunately not everything always works out.


It's happened to me... A domain I could have gotten for like $2.99 is now worth >$1000 USD. That's the preferred name for a project of mine, so no trivial matter. I own the .ca and .org and .net variants, but the .com is obviously the prize.


Psionism, not to be confused with Zionism, which it opposes.


Hahahaha!!! XD


Amen, brother!

My deal is waking people up through their allegiance to belief systems. Those beliefs might consist of:

  • Statism (believing in the State)
  • Religion (or other spiritualities)
  • Occult sciences (Astrology, numerology, cards, etc.)
  • Media ("we are being told the truth")
  • Externalization of the problem ("it's [X-Y-Z]'s fault")
  • Rationalism (the belief that what their mind can grasp are the only things that can possibly be real)
  • Spirituality (if it feels elegant, it must be true or good)
  • Satanism (usually unconscious, in any of its end-forms, such as feminism, egalitarianism, progressivism, etc.)

Those are the ones I can think of right now, off the top of my head.

My greater challenge is bringing this to the English language. I CAN do it, but the effort required means it is taking time.

I would also like to contribute the idea that if anybody would contribute to this very noble endeavor, they should MAKE A LIVING - or at least some sort of income - from that very activity. If it doesn't help THEM too, in the present tense, it's not objectively intelligent to pursue. Finding a way to earn income from an activity that aims at building a new society may seem overly difficult, but in the end it's the only way to achieve something durable. Otherwise, you will burn yourself out for nothing, and be the poorer too in the same process. WE CAN'T HAVE THAT.


An alternative would be the Jesus approach of making money through your talent beforehand, and then going on a mission. This has been made difficult through higher taxes and inflation. But once people are convinced and the network is in place, it will be easier to earn a living that way. Or one has to be a really good talker.


I am unsure if you are thinking I was talking about myself or people embarking on such a journey in general. It is the latter I was talking about. Many people think "Oh, let's fix society first and after that we can all be friends and barter and everything will be great." Which won't happen if you don't make a living fixing society to begin with, because you'll go hungry or run out of motivation.


Yes, I did understand you were talking about the latter thing and addressed that point. If you're professing a solution that nobody has heard about, it will be hard to earn money that way unless you're a good speaker. But if the doctrines are articulated and there's a network of people who support it, the richer ones among them will give money to support someone who travels around and talks about it. I know religion is a dirty word to you but it really is a solution. I studied religion academically where it's defined more broadly. This is what you are thinking of. Religions articulate a problem and present an easily digestible set of solutions. No offense but I see Psionics as a religion and that's a good thing to me, especially the articulation above. We need an anarchist religion. Note that religions have the biggest lifespan and widest reach out of any cultural phenomenon; it really is the way to change the world. But compare it to these TV evangelicals. They can make buckloads of money because the platform is already in place. That isn't how Christianity started out either. I do like your practical approach though. If it has true value one should be able to make money with it.


Ultimately, freedom defeats all religion because religions depend on the permanence of belief systems, while actual freedom rests on freedom of speech and thought, and such freedom unerringly defeat belief systems.

This is why an objective mental SCIENCE which rests on the absolute principles of mind is the only possible answer. And that's why I'm doing that.


@x0x7 @Jasoncarswell

The Bad News: Slavery X.0
The Good News: We Are Conceptualizers
The Solution: Collabocracy
But what is happening right now

In 'The Blindmen and the Elephant Story, the blindmen would only get resolution if they focus on relevant Accretive Dialogue - and not allow themselves to be distracted by ephemeral chatter.

The sooner everyone realizes the Good News of who we truly are - Conceptualizers



Glad you've crossed over.

Looking forward to digesting your wisdom.


Hi Jason,

Unlike the limited hangout from mind gatekeepers (e.g. Assange)
who keep everyone firmly focused and subjugated to the "Powers",
I am here to let everyone in on the good news:
We are the Powerful because Mankind are born Conceptualizers.
This isn't some new revelation - just like Richard Vobes telling the farmers they have land in their hands.
But just like Vobes telling the farmers:
Forget about appealing to authority to do the right thing,
just do your own thing with the power you already have - your land,
so too should EVERYONE do their own thing with their own innate power - [Re]Conceptualize.

If we fail to realize and actualize who we truly are as Conceptualizers
it would be the same as the farmers failing to realize and use what they already have
then everyone will continue to remain conceptually fixated - iconizing authority
--- which is what the whole Assange saga was really all about - programming people especially "the awakened" to appeal to authority.

I don't understand this comment from @LarrySwinger:

I still think you should give long-form prose a try because now it's NLP techniques with little content.

The links provided are all full of content in long form prose or summarized in tables.

If there is any thing at all that you think needs elaboration - just let me know.

I leave you with this short animation which I have re-titled: Harold - the Conceptual Sovereign
where 'Harold' represents Humankind.

The animation:

  • up to the 4:30 mark represents Mankind so far - (over)whelmed by their own conceptualization.
  • 4:31 onwards shows what needs to happen next.

Insightful wisdom.

Neuro-linguistic programming techniques.

Your analysis is way better than that animation for small children. Never try to make me watch shit again.


I know NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming.
What I don't understand is why Larry Swinger labels my writings as NLP techniques.

'A Picture for Harold's Room' is part of the 'Harold and the Purple Crayon' series by Crockett Johnson - a children's classic.

Johnson was brilliant in depicting:

  • how Harold (= Humankind) lost perspective in the course of drawing the railroad (= humankind seemingly became ever smaller in the course of putting themselfs in man-made organizing concepts such as 'religion', 'government', 'hierarchy'...)
  • how Harold (= Humankind) should re-cognize and re-claim his true self - Cross out the pre-existing self diminishing concepts = an act of a true Conceptual Sovereign
  • how Harold (= Humankind) should maintain the right perspective - Act & Reflect
  • the epitome of a Conceptual Sovereign @ Conceptualizer in under 7 minutes that both young children and adults (too, hopefully) can easily understand & adopt for themselves

Hence, the animation/Harold is pure gold (and not "shit").




Hey! Hello! Good to see you here! I'll have a long read and get back to you!! :D


He's right though. Larry may not be fully aware of it, but NLP uses concepts to [willingly] enslave people to achieve things they THINK they want, never questioning where that want comes from. And where it comes from is the mass of concepts one believes in.

Concepts are the bars of our cages, the chain and the iron ball of our slavery. It is by destroying the shackles on our minds, which is precisely what concepts are, that we free ourselves.

The demonstration of this is blindingly clear in 1984 for example. Even if one has a concept of "freedom", it can be twisted to mean "slavery". Moreover, since one cannot hold infinite concepts in their mind, their conception of reality is inferior to reality. This demonstrates that thought is not your friend, it is the enemy. REALITY does not work based on the same laws as thoughts and concepts.

One must live in Reality in order to be equal to Reality.


Hello Eddie nice to see you here. Thank you for the effort, there's some good stuff in there. I still think you should give long-form prose a try because now it's NLP techniques with little content.


WE are not conceptualizers. The forces of slavery use our minds to conceptualize, knowing full well that we cannot escape slavery so long as we do so. Any concept one uses in their mind can be turned around and used against said user. This is universal, absolute, unavoidable.

You hold dear the concept of fairness? One can use that to make you seethe, rage, despair or instill any other state one chooses if they are adroit enough with their mind.

Anything conceptual is doomed to result in slavery.


Your points were (pre)addressed above - see Harold - the Conceptual Sovereign
where 'Harold' represents Humankind.

As I wrote above:

The animation:

  • up to the 4:30 mark represents Mankind so far - (over)whelmed by their own conceptualization.
  • 4:31 onwards shows what needs to happen next.


Johnson was brilliant in depicting:

  • how Harold (= Humankind) lost perspective in the course of drawing the railroad (= humankind seemingly became ever smaller in the course of putting themselfs in man-made organizing concepts such as 'religion', 'government', 'hierarchy'...)
  • how Harold (= Humankind) should re-cognize and re-claim his true self - Cross out the pre-existing self diminishing concepts = an act of a true Conceptual Sovereign
  • how Harold (= Humankind) should maintain the right perspective - Act & Reflect
  • the epitome of a Conceptual Sovereign @ Conceptualizer in under 7 minutes that both young children and adults (too, hopefully) can easily understand & adopt for themselves

Concepts CANNOT serve freedom. They can only enslave. A "master conceptualizer" is nothing but a practicioner of NLP and prey to the same pitfalls.