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He said $1,000 credit card. It's $10,000.
Even if they don't tax you they can still print money. This is the problem with people using government money. When the government decides it wants to work against the people the fact that the people use that money basically gives the government permission to use limitless resources to fuck them over.
Every time you work an hour for dollars and say "this is valuable to me" you are signing off on government having this ability.
It isn't 'government money'. The government lends the money from central banks. They could print their own money, which would be a somewhat better system than what we currently have. Abraham Lincoln tried that.
It is an it isn't. I like to think of it like thermodynamics where you can draw arbitrary boundaries around combined systems and do useful analysis. Yes it is useful sometimes to describe the central bank as separate from the government but sometimes it is useful to understand the banking government cabal.
The government is absolutely subordinate to the central banks considering the government is only able to operate at the permission of the central bank depending on loans. So if the government is subordinate to the central bank it sort of is one creature. Of course the central bank depends on the government to enforce its currency, pursue wars, and generally not use its monopoly on violence against them. So it is a symbiotic dependency. It forms a power dynamic that can be described as one creature.
One thing is for certain though, we are not in control of the government and we are not in control of the central bank, while both have more influence on each other than we could ever have.