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Everything Laura Loomer says is always wrong. It's typical chutzpah. Make us argue over facts or logic that shouldn't need to be argued.

No part of what she quoted in Thomas Massie's tweet says he wanted to gun anyone down. Wanting to be armed is not the same as wanting to shoot people.

How is she considered a voice on the right? I think she's just combative with everyone because she has no capacity to be a reasonable person. That includes the left, which gets her labeled right. But there isn't anyone she agrees with on anything. Not because she's an independent thinker who is above the dogmas of any group. I would respect that. For her it's just because agreeing with anyone would remove her opportunity to be a manipulative dishonest subversive cunt with everyone she meets.


I was just about to point out the same thing. Why anyone cares what she says is beyond me and it seems she's intentionally promoted.

If anyone, it could be interpreted (as a joke) that he wanted to shoot his staff.

Chaos Agent Loomer has the face of Jigsaw, with or without her plastic surgery.