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Am I the only one that sees the Irony in a group that Bitches non-stop about the holocaust, calling for the legalization of abortions, and deeming it a "right"? There MUST have been more than 6 million abortions that have occurred since murdering babies was made "legal" in the early 70's. You would think that Jews would be ardent Pro-Lifers... Maybe we need an American Holocaust Museum built in Washington DC!
We tend to see what we want. For example, seeing as nearly a hundred million people died as a result of the actions of the second world war, I'm inclined to conclude that the war itself was a holocaust. However, that I should be in anyway overly concerned with the still unsubstantiated claims that six million Jewish people forcibly displaced from their homes and resettled in secure German labor camps were supposedly killed by their keepers is something I'm generally dismissive of.
The fundamental problem we deal with today in regards to Christianity and Rabbinical Judaism is that your average baby boom generation Christian is an imbecile too stupid to grasp that Rabbinical Judaism ≠ Classical Judaism, or 'Hebrew-ism', as the Rabbinical Jewish refer to classical Judaism by. Christianity is not 'the traditions of the elders' as mentioned in Mark 7:5 and Matthew 15:2.
Maybe it's time to unravel Judaism and de-conflate Jews from Hebrews, thus drawing a clear distinction between both Jews & Hebrews. To me, it's the difference between the Biblical people that obeyed Moses and those that built the "golden calf", and Those that screamed "Crucify Him" when Jesus was held captive by Pontious Pilot" and those that wept for Him.
Go for it.