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Holy cow the thumbnail for this post is also animated, never seen that on any site before today, very cool!
I never realized the thumbnail and the image would end up syncing when I made this.
I hear you live in plains.
Oh yeah? Where did you hear that? I saw you made a similar comment on Upgoat before you deleted your last account there, it was on one of the patriot troll posts.
Don't forget you gave me your phone number (which I still have) before closed, friend. Trust me it would be much easier for ME to find YOU than vice-versa, and it wouldn't be for a coffee meetup. You first caught my attention on when you would delete your account after a while only to come back under a slightly different name, I have them in a txt file to keep track. That retard trolling the other retards on Upgoat under those "patriot" names is not me, but I wish they would come back because that was the only entertainment I found there.
All you are doing is phishing based on information I gave you years ago.
How about that 56-year-old man in Butte that preformed oral sex on a 7-year-old girl? Pretty fucked up world we live in, isn't it doc? If you think I am a kiddie diddler and want to hunt pedos start with Raul Beltran.
Just knock it off with the guessing as to which town I live in in Montana, I really don't want some dude that lives in Plains, Paradise, or wherever to get harassed by idiots from the internet because those idiots think that is me. I've been on the internet since the early 90's, back when it was anonymous, before the kikes convinced people to start using their real identities online. I've never tried to meetup with anyone I met online ever, and never will. If you think I'd give anyone enough information to actually track me down you are as stupid as the users on Upgoat that think Voat still exists. They even call the site that!
One last thing, we both know you made your comment from your phone. Get a real computer if you want to harass me!
I hear you live in plains.