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There are some rare details about Gene Rosen here like his match with Adam Lanza.

anything to do with gene rosen. tldr changed his account about 3 times and had the exact same make, model, and color car as adam lanza's with a broken front left window (exactly like lanza's). also lived right behind lanza's house. the car was probably from a previous rehearsal. personally i think sandy hook was so fucking retarded the CIA decided not to do anything like it again. it's one thing to do a false flag attack and have a relatively small number of people "in the know", and it's one thing grooming mentally ill people into committing an attack - but to expect an entire town of people to go along with your bullshit and have it look remotely believable is asking a lot even for north korea or the soviet union. i guess sometimes you just have to gauge how people will react to things so you can adjust your strategy accordingly

Furthermore the following post. I just copy paste 39233833 because the thread is ephemeral.

first off most of the parents were literally actors and were older than average parents.

second the event came across as scripted and there was even a rehearsal video of Gene Rosen. Anyone that believes Gene Rosen is an idiot. He
plainly was lying and it's almost like he was deliberately acting like a pedophile.

then they changed the laws in Connecticut so they never have to release crime scene evidence. Why would they do this? Their excuse is because
children were involved, but so what? children are involved in all sorts of crimes, why was this one so much different? then there was destroyi
ng the crime scene and putting gag orders on the contractors "so nothing ends up on ebay" wtf is that?! literally the then governor, Malloy, sa
id that they destroyed the crime scene and kept it all contained "so nothing ends up on ebay" I mean give me a fuckign break.

and now the truth is hitting the actors that played the parents. for example Jeremy Richman blew his brains out on the stage of Edmund Town H
all, in Newtown. Anyone from Newtown (I'm from the area and lived in newtown for many years) knows how popular Edmund Town Hall is, so either h
e was murdered to send the town a message, or killed himself to send the town a message. There's no other reason why he would have chosen to ki
ll himself at Edmund Town Hall unless he or someone was sending a message to the town.

So what the fuck is the town hiding? And let's not even get started on Scott Getzinger, also from Newtown, who died a few months before the s
hooting and who made the Dark Knight Rises map for the movie (when that movie premiered there was the shooting in colorado at its premier) and
on the map for that was a mock map of Sandy Hook, complete with the rout of I-84. And guess what, when you flip the map its a fucking pyramid w
ith the all-seeing-eye and the elementary school is the eye! and don't forget, Hiram Lodge 18, on Washington Avenue, is literally adjacent to S
andy Hook elementary.


Now here's a few digs I'm not familiar with. Gnice


Eyyyyyyyy Aurelius! Nice to see another long-timer Saiditor pop up here.


Im a goat though, not a satyr


I suppose 't was coincidence then, there was a user under that name on Saidit.


It's important to consider all the possibilities no matter how absurd.

What if Robbie Parker is a genius. "I'm going to do something on TV so unsettling that people will have to call me fake, and then I'll sue them for $120 mil." That's why he's smiling. He just realized the gold mine he walked into. No problem showing that smile. It will all work into the plan.