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Good article on another good censored article .


The content of the other article actually seemed like fear porn to me that's why I didn't link to it directly.



Billions seems high. But then, who's to say, and how would you qualify it? IMO, uneducated, the vaccine could shave off 10 years off everyone's life, and maybe via spike protein shedding a year off unvaxxed lives. That's still a monstrous travesty.

Sickcare exploitation. Combined with chemtrails and other toxins and radiations. Who's to say what else they have in store?


But that's not how health works. If someone is healthy, it's not like there's some time bomb in their genes now that says "you took the jab x years ago, therefore you will die now". If billions will die between 3-5 years, there should be signs now. You only need to go outside to see that the vast majority of people are still healthy. Cancer is perhaps something where jab survivors still have an increased risk of dying from that, but if that's what would cause literally billions of deaths, we should see a lot more cancer now. In my assessment the article detracts from the increased control, which is really what the psy-op was about.


Working in a coal mine, playing with nuclear waste, consuming cigarettes and junk food, or taking the vaccine could all shorten your life - but wouldn't call them time bombs.

It's documented there are toxins in the vaccines, food, environment, etc. These accumulate. These create complications. Complications upon complications. The snowballing deterioration of all the factors of our lives will ultimately reach a critical mass and tip us into oblivion. Life is a sexually transmitted disease no one survives. How you maintain and sustain your health, or not, is what matters.

It's a fair point that there should be stronger signs of more to come to support the wild claim. I don't know if there already is or not. I also don't know what other mischief they have in mind. I also don't know if there is more to come (food, toxins, radiation, etc) that in combination turns deadly. Two women murdered him with two inert ingredients that combined to be lethal (if they weren't inert then others would have also died).

Yes cancer and turbo-cancer is a huuuuge one - if as bad as some say.

Yes the power grab includes sickcare exploitation.