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I mostly do coding myself.
I wish I did more physical diy. I bought a 3d printer and hardly use it. I've done a bit of rough carpentry, I've made some furniture for fun (very basic), my own computer case, basic garden construction.
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I do a little bit of everything as it pops up. A couple weeks ago, I helped a buddy and changed the plumbing under a bathroom sink to get rid of the non-code compliant S-Trap. I'm frequently tinkering with my antiquated Frankenstein desktop PC, If it's not hardware, it's testing a new OS or some new app.
Late reply but I like doing diy. I sew patches on jackets and also would like to put studs on them.
I make video games and research symbolic AI. I hold a preliminary patent application on one that mimics human cognition (meaning it makes decisions in the way that you make decisions)! So that's fun, no one gives a shit, but i enjoy it.