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Definitely different from Poal in a significant way.

Different from Upgoat in a technical way. Custom sort and post proximity are likely the main two. There are probably differences under the hood that might make it cheaper to run, maybe.

Rules wise there isn't much difference from upgoat. I like to run sites about the same as System does. Maybe culturally some encouragement on my part to have more tech culture?


Do you actually think AOU is a bad human?


Yes. All people have moral foibles. The scary ones are the ones that have no clue about it. He has an over-controlling psychology he needs to get checked out.

All bad morality comes from lack of development in one or another area. He needs to develop a more healthy reaction to opinions different than his own. And that's likely not isolated to his outward response.

He needs to improve as a human, yes. Everyone does. I don't know if he's aware of that though.


Yes. All people have moral foibles. The scary ones are the ones that have no clue about it. He has an over-controlling psychology he needs to get checked out.

I don't think that makes him bad, though.

Or maybe it does make him bad. He is certainly competent.

Is there a good way to judge another person, over the internet?


Is there a good way to judge another person, over the internet?

Maybe not. Does he know that though. See, that's some development you have that he lacks. And it presents itself as things I would consider a moral flaw. He doesn't have eusocial interactions with other people, from my limited experiences with him. PMYB2 was always lifting others up and encouraging them. AOU instead terminates interactions including between other parties at a single sign of a difference. He might be an aspy. Pretty good at design for an aspy though.


PMYB2 was always lifting others up and encouraging them.

He might be an aspy.

If we want to be honest with each other, all of us are absolutely insane for not being on Facebook or Tik-Tok.

No credible human would choose to write right-wing poetry on a Reddit clone.

No sane human would even choose to make a Reddit clone.

Everyone you interact with on the internet is, by definition, a fucking weirdo, who oddly found your obscure site, probably by chance.

Or maybe we are all nerds.


That is fair.



Ok. You are normal. But isn't that abnormal to be the only normal guy on a site full of weirds?

whats your score weirdo?
I'm 165 bitches!
Burrr burr bur burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!
drops mic; shits on floor


What was the motivation to make it if it’s so similar to Voat?


I've only been active here half a year. Fuck magnora7 and his egotistical mismanagement of the great potential had.

I have not liked what I saw on brief glimpses to Poal and Upgoat but never spent time there. I don't like asstrolls, sealions, shills, and timesucks.

I am different.

I host http://Projex.Wiki and will eventually launch when I finish the first draft of the bottom-up community self-management constitution that the community can revise.