If Saidit were to kick the bucket for good I could see myself coming here. Familiar format and no censorship hopefully. Is there an /all sub? Also, at the bottom of the page, there is no ''next'' or ''previous''. Is it because that's all the content there is for now for that particular sub? Anyway, I've created an account and here I am.
If you mean chronological feed (/all/new) here's what @x0x7 told me in chat:
>New just takes out score. Proximity is still a factor. I might get rid of it entirely and just have custom which will give you anything you want. That or get rid of proximity in new.
>I actually added another factor yesterday and haven't put it in the UI so custom still might be funny if you don't put age all the way up, because of the new factor that is pegged to 1 for now.
I set custom sliders to "score:0, age:5, proximity:0" for now, as he said.