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A : Trick question - vampires are never satisfied.

If you're not a truther, does that make you a liar?

If trouble is what you're looking for, Then trouble is all you'll find. The difference between a rut and a groove, Is all in your state of mind.

Lever your mind out of a rut and into a groove.

Problems have solutions, black and white, Situational dilemmas require balanced compromise.

The difference between charging through time and being dragged through time is perceptual. I'm still trying to figure out what happened to this week.

Blah, blah, blah. I'm tired of my own writing voice. Don't know if anyone will care about what's been written.

I bought a button maker to make 1.25" and 2.25" pins. And ink for my second printer and pamphlet-flyers. And learned my good printer is now my bad printer. I'll spank it later. TMI.

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If there's a war on terror, why is the US funding Israhell instead of invading it?

A: the zionists need the whole world to bow to their future king from the line of David so they infiltrated the US gubbermint and made it their bitch.


It's ironic that sooooo many Jews are atheist,

Yet they need God to say they are the chosen people deserving their right of return and take the land of Palestine.

I've never been to England but I think I'm going to return there and take it over.


The Bible highlights turning away from God as the mistake that the jews keep on repeating. They do it to this day. And the Bible says the proper punishment for that is to have everything taken away. Perhaps we should follow what it says.



I don't need the malarkey of God. Life is complicated and hard enough as it is.