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Yeah, I call them psyops because the operation's result on the people is psychological. They either do it on purpose or they purposely let it happen.
We're off to a good start so far. ISIS (CIA) in a truck. Cyber truck blows up in front of Trump Tower. Come on man, are they fucking kidding with all this?

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Not everything is psyop, but basically everything is fake.


And gay.


Not if you're on top.


Oh man, counting the actual number of PsyOps sounds really hard. But I guess this is as good as any place to try it.

If we are trying to make a list I'll add all news during the Vietnam war at least. The military had embedding in the news media for that very purpose.

There's also that e-girl trying to do recruitment for the military that I posted about a few days ago.

Should include more broadly all efforts by the military to make joining to seem cool or patriotic to young people.

A more specific case would be their involvement in the video game industry. Things like ghost recon.

Also every Hollywood film that has any military equipment has its script edited (final draft) by the military. So basically all of Hollywood is a psyop.

The drones. That's one more.


I heard there were many suspicious similarities between yesterday's events in New Orleans and Las Vegas.

Older psyops:


It's like we're pawns on a giant chessboard, waiting for the big dog to finish us off.


That sounds like an interesting version of chess.


Sounds like an expensive visit to the vet.