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Liberals HIDING TAXES behind "GENERATIONAL FAIRNESS" - Century Initiative (11:47) ~ Northern Perspective


I also noticed a flaw in her argument. She is painting a fearful picture where AI replaces 90%+ of workers leaving only a few who know how to use AI effectively replacing them.

Then she goes onto say that there will be a neo-feudalism. Where there are a few elite oligarchs at the top, and they will literally own you.

These two concepts don't jive. They currently own you. If you don't have a job how do they own you? Are they, while you are in this jobless state, able to direct you and you must comply to maintain your survival in their system? That's called a job. If that is your condition then you aren't jobless are you?

You can't be jobless and be in neo-feudalism. What we have now is neo-feudalism. I'm not guaranteeing that the future is bright or even contradicting her worries. My only point is have some logical consistency women. At the very least describe a dark world that is self-consistent.




I've never heard a better argument for AI. If it replaces all jobs there will be no one paying taxes. I am ready.