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I must say that I'm surprised. It's almost as if this Q shit is real and the US will finally have a good government and 'drain the swamp'. What do you guys make of this??


She says wants peace*.

But she has caveats*, works for the military, and is determined to "defend" the USA. IMO bullshit.

Show me one legitimate defensive action that is not offensive that the USA or Israel has ever actually done.

What does the Director of National Intelligence do anyway?

The most retarded and expensive things the US government does is fund and export international terrorism and domination.

The Q shit is like a broken clock, right for a second twice a day. Like Nostradamus, it's just over-hyped woo.

Calling to "End The Fed" (might be nice if he actually did) Trump has already hired a "RABID War Hawk" and "Chief Of Staff" swamp creature. (Search those key words for citations:

His glittery key-jangling virtue mixed signaling will let folks focus on whatever they want to focus on.

In short: one step forward, one step back = same as it ever was, but better with distractions.

Just as computers has never been a so technologically advanced science, so too, propaganda and psyops have never been a so manipulatively advanced science.