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Thread Synopsis: Share the weirdest shit you can get AI to generate / General AI image sharing thread.

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Guess who I was for Halloween.

It was fun having an excuse to carry a real sword around at work.


This one is a little more stoic:

You know i like this stuff. Haven't messed with it in a bit cuz im busy working on other projects. That being said, i think it would be cool to have a model thread or workflow thread. Some of the 1.5 SD older stuff is getting hard to come by, glad i have my external with all this stuff backed up on it. FLUX 1.0/1.1 is kick ass, PONY is still fucking amazing, but really horny, LCM is cool for animations. Midjourney/Klang AI are dope but i dont view models as viable unless i can deploy on my own side. Otherwise its limited to what they will allow you generate and there is no tweaking their workflows. Another idea is maybe having Jason as the cleanup artist and then the rest of use act as writers. Could do propaganda comics or just shit to tease talk.loli with. lol, i dunno.

A cool one from civitai to have fun with


I give you guys the goat matrix.


This text to speech voice clone can't decide if it is supposed to be Irish or Chinese: