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I might start watching 1 episode of a TV show a night (kind of already do). But I may start doing it on cytube. Nothing formal. What should I start? I tend to care very little about a show being current. I'm down for any recommendation. Comedy is a +1, sightly educational is a +1, and or culturally significant is also a +1.
But really anything that comes to mind that you think I should watch.
I did start watching Invincible. I don't like it that much. I'll likely keep watching it until someone recommends something that's better. That's probably pretty easy to do.
Lexx is the greatest TV series of all time, although it technically started off with four made-for-tv movies on a Canadian broadcasting network.
Cool. Straight to the point. It looks pretty good.
I just watched the first episode earlier today. You were right! Amazing!!
I can see how much opportunity there is with this show. I know it's going to be good. 10/10 so far.
Stargate SG 1 then Stargate Atlantis.
I heard Invincible is good. Haven't watched any.
Very new article, started on the 16th of this month...
Doesn't have anything listed in series yet[Now added.]- but off the top of my head, that I'm even aware of:More importantly before
St. Patrick's Day
you might want to see these 3 movies...
Invincible is so childish. I'm not someone who wants to turn up my nose up over that but it's that bad.
Is there a chance you could whittle your TV list down to one top recommendation? Then I'll check it out.
Describe why Invincible is Childish.
Well that's hard to put into words but I'll give it a shot. There are a lot of scenes (not all) that are pretty poorly done that amount just excuses for really lame fight vocalizations that go on far too long. Many other fight scenes are a lot more serious. But some of them I feel like watching power rangers would be less cheesy or a better use of time.
I think it's possible to make media for more than one audience where there is a little bit of everything for everyone. But too much of it is too potently for little kids and too much of it is too potently for adults where I don't think they have an audience who should really watch this.
I enjoyed parts of the show, but I do feel like it was the last gasp of popular woke media (black girlfriend, too many 'girl-boss' superheros, Seth Rogen as a voice actor).
I didn't mind most of the fight tho, and the animation wasn't awful for what it was.
That is a faggot robot that wants to date a 12 year old girl (But it is ok, the girl is actually 24, and has a curse that causes he to 'de-age' whenever she uses her superpower)
Actually, more I think about it, the more kiked the show seems...
Updated my list to include the years, seasons, episodes, genres, links, ranks, IMDb brief description, and notes.
Plus I added a few more.
If you want to eliminate some, then don't watch any series that is not complete so you may binge a complete thought. Also, the seasons may vary or could end with disappointment. Despite being an animator and loving the 3 series with their unique amazing filmmaking, I didn't find them as cerebrally rich as others in my list.
Top picks:
If you've seen these consider reviewing the wiki-list. I have yet to watch The Prisoner series in full.
If you don't like the first episode of any series, you can hope it may improve if you appreciate some aspects - or, it may be folly to waste anymore time on something unappealing.
So then which one is your top recommendation?
A mixture of British and American TV series. I liked all of these, but your mileage may vary.
Agatha Christie's Poirot
Agatha Christie's Marple (or Miss Marple, stars Joan Hickson)
Doc Martin
Red Dwarf (1980s and '90s)
Brideshead Revisited (1981)
House of Cards (BBC series, three seasons, not the American version)
Two BBC series with Alec Guinness:
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy (1979)
Smiley's People (1982)
A Spy Among Friends (2022)
Dickens of London (1976)
The Strauss Family (1972)
Life of Da Vinci (1972)
Fawlty Towers
If you could pick only one what would you go with?