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I don't actually think it does but one would think it has to given the share of job postings for it. In theory you would almost by definition have multiple non-senior positions to senior one. And you would think the lower paying job, hired with less rigor, and filled by a younger person who may still be deciding where they want to end up long term, would end up vacated more frequently.
So you would think the ratio of job postings would be at minimum 8:1 for a non-senior role. But it's really 1:2.
Maybe the senior ones get posted to multiple job boards because they want to maximize their pool of consideration and the junior jobs just get posted to one. That's probably it.
But the effect is it appears that the industry only hires people with 30+ years of experience.
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In my opinion, what you are discussing is more akin to the dating scene since it went digital. You end up with every goofball being able to hit on the 10 of 10 women, so the dating sites start gameifying the whole thing.
As this applies to job adds in tech, is that many software companies get hounded with shitty dot heads, off-brand tech boot-camp grads, etc., that they just tag all their jobs postings as "senior". If your experience interests them enough to get an offer, you'll find out the job title will likely not include 'senior'. They'll play you by pretending you didn't quite reach that bar, but they still want to hire you, regardless of your experience and qualifications.
It's all just manipulative bullshit imo. I am of course generalizing.