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I've been trying to make my computer more quiet at night. The obvious thing is to put it in suspend. Unfortunately it doesn't wake consistently. In fact if I suspend for 8 hours I'm very lucky if it wakes.
But I had already spliced in a switch for one of my power supplies. I have a dedicated power supply for my graphics card. It really doesn't need a fan and runs all the time so I made a quick disconnect wire for it.
So late last night I decided I would do the same thing to my CPU fan. Well it was around midnight and I wasn't thinking straight or taking the time to do things correctly so I thought I could get away with doing one test without the heat shrink on the wire just to see it working. Well the fan cover must has pushed some exposed wire into the heatsink which is probably grounded and shorted the power line.
So now it seems that the mobo can't recognize even a virgin fan. I'm looking at the heat sink on this computer and I'm realizing it is massive. There is no way this computer is going to heat that thing quickly. So I decide to just run it fanless and monitor the temperatures.
Looks like my computer didn't need a fan for average usage to begin with. So now things are really quiet.
But this gives me an excuse to do what I really wanted, which is integrate a micro controller to control everything with a lot more control than my OS seems to be letting me. I will still need a fan for gaming or data crunching. So for now my desktop is for light use until I have some cooling solution in. But the advantage is now I'll be able to control the activation temperature so that it will be fanless 90% of the time. This will include night even without suspending.
So in the end I get everything I wanted. I just needed this mobo to short to thrust me to the real solution.
For now I just have a steal cup of water sitting on top of it as insurance. It doesn't need it but if things do get toasty (if I launch some process I didn't think would be heavy) it should take care of me.
It looks like the steel cup lowers the temp from 33C to 29C. So that's 4 degrees even when things are close to room temperature. It should activate a lot more in the 70C range and become a more active form of cooling if things go above baseline temperatures.
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[-]Winston Smith
You need cooling. Baby I'm not fooling. - Led Zeppelin
That rocks. I really like that write up, i am deeply sorry about your fan and mobo though. Are you going to use AVR dude or use arduino? I suggest AVR dude, as a programming cable is about 10 bucks for that and its way more hand on then arduino with their bullshit proprietary language. Let me bit shift with guillemets damn it!
I'm going to use an ESP32 since I already have a few on hand. It's compatible with Arduino like code to a degree, so I'll probably use that. From what I understand the esp32 and arduino target are not the same so its basically a compilation target from the arduino c language. So if AVRdude is some sort of other language I don't know if it has cross compilation support to ESP32.
I looked up some things. It looks like it only targets AVR chips. I looked up AVR chips on Amazon. I like my dev boards with serial and wifi and bluetooth.
Though this is a lie because I decided for now I'm going to go full low code. I have a kauf smart plug that I can put a 12v power supply into and control the fan over the local network.
The computer is holding up really well with no fan though at all. It has a celeron which is a low power cpu and suprizingly a chunky heat sink and radiator for such a budget computer. I accidentally ran into an infinite loop and freaked out. It topped out at 44degress with no fan and quickly came down back to 33 once I killed the process.
The machine just doesn't need a fan. The day I need to do serious processing on it I'll watch the temps and if they get high I'll put a fan on it. It's a good excuse to code things to process in cuda anyway.
Breakout boards?! In this HOUSE?!! This is a DASA bitbang house! -- very cool though, i do like the approach. I'll have to check out the ESP32, its been a long ass time since anything that low level hit my fancy. Im all object orientated bad coding practices and shiiitttteeeee..... Im tired. Will there be movies this weekend? I am disappoint at no movies. :-( sage face.
There should be movies. This last week I just had some issues with my employer where they were holding up their end of an employment agreement so I had to iron that shit out, make it as professional as possible, while trying to look as big and scary as possible. It's a thin line to tread and I needed to focus on it.
That is very understandable. Work is first, unless its family, then family is work... so work is first! -- i made one of these once. is fun! had to check if i was writing factually correct things.