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Now we need to worry if our Alexas are not just listening devices but also might be incendiaries.


On the radio they didn't even mention they were Hezbollah. It's a bit unexpected to me how the lamestream propaganda isn't entirely siding with Israhell on this, like they are at least taking a backlash into account. Does anyone have theories on what the psy-op is here? Are they trying to foster pro- and anti-Israel as the new thesis and antithesis out of which they will try to create a new synthesis?

(Silence on the target being Hezbollah is just one example of not maximizing on Israhell support. Another one is that they highlight the hologram POTUS telling Israhell to end the bloodshed and being silent on the US funding them, making it seem as if the US isn't supporting them. Also simply the fact that they report on all their strikes and counting all the deaths. I'd expect them to be more silent on it. Maybe they're just trying to regain legitimacy?)