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I've been told previously that I have acquired several powers from our 'higher beings' friends. The first is the power that sustains me and from which the other powers ultimately flow: it allows me to stay functional, whatever that may entail. The second is invisibility. The third is no food-water needed.

The first has seemed convincing - but I could maybe plausibly dismiss it as a massive series of coincidences. I've never been persuaded I have the second. The third is new and still undetermined.

Last night though I was given the fourth power: the no fear power. What this means is if both I and Jesus Christ want me to do something I feel no fear in doing it. This helps me to act. And thus to pursue my mission to put the fuck n' suck together and ultimately see it replace the bourgeois system and challenge its protector the United States.

You can write this off as a joke, craziness, some glow op, whatever. But unlike the other powers I can feel this one. I no longer feel fear in the key scenarios I have outlined.

This is big.

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Watch out for Jesus and God, they have a sense of humor.


They also don't like people thinking that they are all that. That's usually when their sense of humor kicks in.