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  1. Get the Jews. Then over 100 million non-white American citizens will suddenly be no threat.

  2. Get Israel. Then over 100 million non-white American citizens will suddenly be no threat.

  3. Non-violence. Because anyone favoring armed struggle against a corrupt government is a fed.

  4. Keep redpilling the normies. Never leave social media.

  5. Vote harder.

  6. Post harder.

  7. Nuclear war tier violence. Sit on your ass longer.

  8. Kill 'em all. It's easy enough to kill 100 million non-white American citizens after all.

  9. Jews. Did I mention teh jo0z?

  10. Nothing works. Everything is lies. Work yourself into complete nihilism. Do what your government tells you to.

You say you wanna solution? How 'bout a white revolution?

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I see why no one likes you, here and on other sites, and that you act like a crypto-Jew Zionist.


One reason for the dislike is massive butthurt of course borne of intellectual inferiority. You just go around downvoting my content. Pretty butthurt.


Written by an anti-white pedo fag.


Glad you're here. You pose as a Paultard. I could have added 12. Retore the Constitution. Whatever that means.


So, you admit that you're too stupid to understand what words mean.

Got it.


You're a Russian agent here to help me pad my résumé. Know your role, Yuri.

Be glad. Not sure I can even ban you on this site. No need to keep jumping sub bans like you have THREE times at the other place.


Okay. 11. I saved it for last.

  1. Strip white women of their rights. Because alienating half the white population is how you build any real movement.

In honor of JasonCarswell and the many like him.

  1. Snarky, insulting personal attacks. Because you thought these spaces were for civil, constructive dialogue that goes anywhere instead of to puff up male egos in some pissing contest?