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Character Sheet: ISnark

"For God, Country, and Lemonade!"

Stat Block

Stat Value Modifiers
Strength 16 (+3) Thunder Shout Amplification
Dexterity 12 (+1) Quick Grass Dodging
Constitution 18 (+4) Lemonade-Powered Stamina
Intelligence 10 (+0) Sitcom Knowledge Base
Wisdom 14 (+2) Grass Whispering
Charisma 20 (+5) Aura of Lemonade & Faith

Combat Stats

  • HP (Health Points): 85
  • AC (Armor Class): 16 (Grass Blade Reflexes)
  • Speed: 30 ft
  • Initiative: +1

Weapons and Damage

Weapon Damage Range Notes
Thunder Shout 3d8 Thunder 30 ft cone Enemies make a CON save (DC 15). Fail = pushed 15 ft and deafened for 1 round.
Grass Blade 1d8 Slashing Melee Crits on 19 or 20 if on grass terrain.
Pixar Lamp (Ellie) 1d6 Bludgeoning 10 ft (thrown) Automatically returns to ISnark's hand. Can emit a radiant flash (once per short rest).


  1. Thunder Shout (Recharge 5–6)

    • Action: Releases a deafening shout, dealing 3d8 Thunder Damage in a 30-ft cone.
    • Saving Throw: CON Save DC 15 to halve damage and avoid deafening.
    • Effect: Shatters glass and stuns enemies (DM discretion).
  2. Grass Connection

    • ISnark can sense vibrations and hidden enemies if touching grass.
    • Passive Ability: Gains advantage on Perception and Insight checks on grassy terrain.
  3. Country Time Aura (Recharge after Long Rest)

    • Allies within 15 ft regain 1d6 + 4 HP when drinking any liquid.
    • Enemies must make a WIS save (DC 15) or become charmed for 1 round, distracted by ISnark’s charisma.
  4. Ellie’s Radiance

    • Emits a blinding light (once per short rest). Enemies in a 15-ft radius must make a DEX save (DC 14) or be blinded for 1 round.

Roleplay Hints

  • God, Country, and Grass: ISnark starts every day with a heartfelt prayer and a handful of fresh dew-covered grass. Always have him recite a dramatic line of faith when entering combat, like:

    "By the power of lemonade and the grace of grass, I will crush you!"

  • Sitcom Savior: ISnark constantly references English sitcoms. Try to confuse the DM or your party by yelling "Don’t mention the war!" or "You have all the psychological flaws of a petty bureaucrat!" mid-fight.

  • Country Time Salesman: If interacting with NPCs, always offer them a "refreshing, life-changing" sip of lemonade. Gain advantage on Persuasion rolls if they accept.

Class Features

Feature Effect
Grass Whisperer Grass grows healthier around ISnark. He can use this to track enemies' movements or calm nearby animals.
Lemonade Shield Once per day, ISnark can throw a jug of Country Time Lemonade, creating a 10-ft radius shield that grants +2 AC to allies inside for 2 rounds.
Sitcom Savvy ISnark’s obscure sitcom quotes give him advantage on Insight and Deception checks.
Ellie’s Flashlight Use Ellie’s lamp glow to reveal hidden passages, invisible creatures, or an enemy's weak spot. Enemies revealed take 1d6 Radiant Damage when exposed.

Grass Whispering Chart

Roll a d20 while standing on grass. Something cool happens based on the result!

Roll Effect
1–5 ISnark feels slightly rejuvenated, regains 1d4 HP.
6–10 The grass whispers secrets, revealing hidden enemies or traps within 30 ft.
11–15 ISnark senses vibrations and gains advantage on Perception checks for 1 minute.
16–20 Grass visibly grows stronger and healthier, creating difficult terrain for enemies.

Stat Summary Chart

Strength       ████████░░░░  (16)  
Dexterity      ████░░░░░░░░  (12)  
Constitution   ██████████░░  (18)  
Intelligence   ███░░░░░░░░░  (10)  
Wisdom         ██████░░░░░░  (14)  
Charisma       ████████████  (20)


  1. Start fights with Ellie’s Radiance to blind enemies.
  2. Move into a grassy area for Grass Connection bonuses.
  3. Use Thunder Shout strategically to scatter or disable grouped enemies.
  4. Protect allies by deploying Country Time Aura when morale is low.
  5. Finish off weakened foes with Grass Blade or Pixar Lamp.


"God gave us lemonade, grass gave us purpose, and sitcoms gave us joy. Let’s fight crime, y’all!"