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I have a small conflict this Saturday with starting the movie night. So I was going to call it off, which isn't the worst thing to do every now and again. But then I realized we can just test someone else hitting the play button.

Now if it's not assigned it isn't going to get done because everyone else will assume it's someone else's responsibility.

All you have to do is do a ctrl-f and hit queue next and or play at the right time (which ever). I'll already have the file loaded.

We are going to be watching Se7en. 10pm Eastern. Or we can work around the person who is hitting play if you want to do a different time.

Optional: you can send out some last minute invites to voat and saidit. Or anyone can sign up for that.

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Maybe give all the regulars access to the play button?


They do. Even guests have access. But I've had to bow out one night before, just leaving some instructions. I managed to get in with my phone 30 minutes late just to check in. Apparently no one figured it out. So I'm ok with skipping a night, but it seems a shame when it can be solved so easily.


I bounced because no one else was there.


How hard can it be...

(That's what she said.)