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There is now a save button inside posts. This puts it in your favorites. The favorites are located here: /favorites. But a link to there will also replace the save button after it's clicked just as a reminder.

Now favorites aren't public. But I could make them public. Probably not but it could lead to some pretty funny shenanigans. It could actually be useful except for the odd case where we find someone's collection of clop images.

That will be the next sub of now if people don't post some damn sandwiches.

Comment preview

Maybe include a save link from every overview page? That way you can save it for later more easily, that's mostly how I use that feature.


Cool feature!
Thank you!


I would recommend against making favorites public.

We don't know what the future plans are for surveillance and social credit system.

I prefer to that the deep state work as hard as possible to accumulate thought crime data; rather than present them with a publicly available cache to pick through.

But the same feature for private use is pretty cool.

Nice work.


That's a good point. I'll add it to my todo list to have a reconsidering vote on it at a future date. Otherwise a trial will end up going forever.


But why?


Mostly because Jason asked for it. He's a real archivist. But maybe people can use it to re-find things they like (besides search that I need to add soon). Or to have a page they can share of things they liked. Of course they can also repost to some sub to get a similar effect.


I could make that a setting whether your favorites are publicly accessible or not. The code as it stands current has everything not public.


Kewl feature thanks! I have nothing against public favourites, social media websites provide that as well, but the language should reflect that. Imo it's best to provide a (private) save feature and a (public) repost feature, along with a Friends stream like on Reddit but the reposts are present there as well (always indicating it when something is a repost). OR you could make a save publicly and save privately button, so that all your saved stuff stays in one overview but only you can see the private stuff.


Yeah. And it would be nice to be able to save into particular lists instead of to favorites itself, and then those lists could either be public or private. Once you add enough UI to distinguish between public and private favorites you might as well go there. But it is kind of nice to not have to manage multiple lists, be able to save in one click instead of several, and if they were public to be able to find content easily under /favorites/LarrySwinger

I always like intermediate features. The next level to any of those options I think would be single list and user control over the list, then public and private favorites.

Maybe in the short term we just need a vote on public or private. Um, this is sort of the thing I wanted co-admins to be voting on.

My vote is to turn it on for at least a little bit. @JasonCarswell do you have a preference? I just need your preference Larry and we have a policy.


Always: Try it out.

magnora7 never wanted to test anything. I said always try it for a couple weeks and let people get used to it (while some bitch and some praise). At the end have a pol to learn.

Worst case, we turn it off / shelf it / undo it / remove it. Better case, it gets refined.

Why not both? Or more?

Why not a folder tree?

Default top folders: Public (green) + Private (red)

Bonus top folders: Site-Wide-Shared (white) + Group-Shared (purple) + Posted (blue personal history) + Cued (yellow post whenever) + Hold (orange)

Thereafter let the user name their folders. Public folder names could get entertaining, but I'd would be pragmatically focused.

Drag and drop sorting would be nice, as well as sortable columns (name, OP, post date, save date, custom tags, etc.), as would saving specific comments rather than entire posts. And ideally folders and listings would have outline/collapse functionality.

I'd also love to have a folder tree for categorizing subs, but rather than just top-down, ideally with multiple parents and multiple children, like with MediaWiki categories. This gets complicated without good implementation, feedback loops can be problematic.

This reminds me, I wonder if folks could categorize/name/sort/tag the images & videos, thus making them easier to find.

Also a multi-field (title, OP, domain, date, etc.) search-ability would be nice on all fronts: comments, images, posts, videos.

Also also (I'm on a roll) I had always hoped for SaidIt to have some more video data and awareness. As there are really only about 5 major video sources it shouldn't be hard to scrape the fundamentals: title (length) ~ creator, date. These may not matter to some, but it helps me decide if I even want to open that link. By "awareness" I mean that some videos are on and some are from or from another video site but still use the same ID number (ie. Hrgd2kk7nT0) because they are the same by the same creator. Also some links have extra data like trackers, cue times, or are in playlists - yet they are the same video. By focusing on the ID number we could know if it's a multipost and/or a repost. An automated "[Repost]" title-prefix would be nice too, and perhaps if you clicked on it you could list the various instances.

Those are just ideas off the top of my head. Obviously none are urgent.

In my opinion, the thing I would appreciate most is a comments chronology and/or a post + comments chronology (plus a messages chronology (also private messages are problematic conversations if you don't remember what was last said) along with a read/unread toggle) - so I could follow the latest developments, rather than have to hunt for new comments, etc.

Of note, on SaidIt you could post, someone could comment - you'd see that comment, but never see any responses to that comment on your post. On the Corbett Report forum you can comment with options 1) get no notifications, 2) get only notified about responses to your comment, or 3) get notified about every comment under this post (video or article by James Corbett).

That's a lot.
It's all Geek to me.
Thanks for making magic happen!


Bro. Why are you still pontificating about M7?

Do you remember all of the hideously hilarious messages you were sending people... And they'd send them to him to adjudicate.

Then you wanted him to change his project to accommodate you.

I was howling in laughter at some of those messages. They were over the top, and it was funny because it wasn't my problem. However, it's easy to forget the headaches he went through. He wasn't happy at all to read those messages. That's not his style, but he had to read dozens of them.

Would you have been eager to accommodate if you were on his shoes?

I probably wouldn't be as patient as he was.


I wasn't pontificating about M7. I was sharing about developing SaidIt. Or rather, about the potential and promise that was squandered.

I remember.

I NEVER wanted him to change his project to accommodate me.

I wanted him to honour his promises and to evolve the community project to improve it for everyone.

Remember that. There is a HUGE distinction and I consider it slander if you continue making that sloppy mistake.

Also remember that HE chose to take on all those headaches HIMSELF. I have ZERO sympathy for a "leader" who doesn't delegate and employ those capable of co-managing. I NEVER said he needed to pick me to to do any of it (I was often busy elsewhere), but I'd obviously chime in with my good, bad, and ugly ideas as anyone may with alleged free discourse he purported. He, or one of his admins, has locked me out from posting or commenting. Also, fuck magnora7 and his ego.

He thinks he is but he's not better than any of us. He was in the right place at the right time and ran into d3rr when he was keen to do something. Pure luck.

I don't care if he was or wasn't patient. He lied, slandered, and was a shitty "leader". Repeatedly. Not just on me - but MANY people. He should have made better rules and guidelines and/or built a better team. After that he should have done better public relations and outreach along with some SaidIt promotion campaigns - but if he did this first without the last sentence due to his impotence and incompetence I'm quite sure that rapid success would have turned SaidIt into a disastrous avalanche to simply die quickly rather than slowly. Perhaps in a way it was good for SaidIt that he was so shitty. At the very least I wouldn't have come up with FOEPATCHISM without him.


At the very least I wouldn't have come up with FOEPATCHISM without him.

Is that a link to an unsecured page?


I need to spend time and learn how to fix my SSL. "Security" my ass. More like surveillance.


No tricks there.


Ok. That's two out of three of us (or three out of four because I openly declared I count as two before). So that's settled. Public it is. At least for a trial.

Edit: It's now public for signed in users.


Since it won't make a difference I vote against for the sake of being contrarian.


I think my premise for how voting should work would be more interesting if more people agreed to be admins. It's literally just being able to vote on things for most.

IDK. Maybe some of the new relatively smart people will see this and ask. I'm not going to make a big push right this second.


Maybe give it another name than admin, like regular, and give it out to people as a surprise, simply with a notification that they can now participate in voting. @HighQulaityDickPics don't you want the role? @Tom_Bombadil @MLJFireDragon747 @iSnark


Trusted Team is how I was referring to that idea for SaidIt and LeverMind. The only way to earn that status is by consistently not be an asstroll or idiot. Too tall an order for some. But even those folks could still make their voices and cases heard if everything was done openly. The Team could choose to listen or ignore the masses or individuals as they see fit - or in reference to a constitution or roadmap.


Disappointing to see you save that old tired thing.

Happy to see it works.


It was just a test when making sure it works. Unfortunately I haven't implemented removal from favorites. I could remove it at the database layer thought. Meh.