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Let me know what you think about the placement. I almost let it get away with default CSS but I'm glad I darkened it. CSS filters are the best for hacky css. Styling something for a dark theme... pfff. filter:invert(0.8)
You might not see it much because 90% of messages on the site are generated from comments.
Oh, also, @LarrySwinger. You mentioned that you thought I had a reply button before. Looking through it it looks like I did. It turns out I have both and Mail is the more modern system that has comments and private messages, and looks way better.
The other thing the reply button does is it fills in the title and user for you. We can thank @Drewski for the technique.
One more question. It is using a page load. In this case do you think it is better to have it open in a new tab with target blank? I don't want someone to lose their progress reading messages and have to go to read mail to pick up their progress. But I also don't want to 100% abuse target blank.
Comment preview
Ah, I see that mentions actually work! Great.
This is awesome! Regarding placement: I recommend that the button exists in its own paragraph for a tiny bit of whitespace between it and the text above. Otherwise: make it so that there's an empty line between the text and the button. Other than that it looks great.
Indeed, you definitely shouldn't abuse targetblank since people can decide for themselves whether or not they want to open a new tab. It'd be better to open the comment box inline like on faggit.
Losing track of mail is actually a separate problem. I didn't even know there is such a thing as "read mail" until now, it's very easy to miss. My suggestion is to keep messages in unread mail for two days after they've been read, and to provide a separate link to "archived mail" beneath the unread messages so that it stands out more. Note also my renaming of it to archived mail, I'd say that name is better because it avoids the repetitive "Read read mail".
Further note: I see that comment boxes don't empty after you hit "submit comment". I just add my input wherever. Is that okay or do you want me to open a separate thread for everything? Not like this is an issue tracker to begin with (although perhaps that'd such a thing would give you more oversight).
That's interesting. Mine did. Comments are really a form submission. The page should reload with the comment box empty. I'm just trying to replicate it and can't.
I use Firefuck for what it's worth.
The issue with the placement is the markdown engine. This particular markdown engine doesn't use p tags and instead uses br. If someone writes a one liner it isn't considered a paragraph and no br is added. If someone writes multiple segments of text now there are brs added. So if I add white space in one case I get to much. If I don't add it in other cases I get too little.
I'm thinking if I wrap the message in a parent container that may give me more control because I can see with your comments we don't have that issue. The "parent link reply" are flush against the message as if no br is there.
I should also make it so underscore doesn't trigger italics. Everyone uses asterisk anyway.
Less control over spacing is perhaps the biggest issue with markdown.
Well that and the ugly code ball that is the markdown engine I'm using. The most popular one is actually insanely slow so I use the one that is fastest. The dev for it brags that the whole thing is actually a single line of regex.
But good luck editing it. I have a little, and have some pre and post processing to do some more custom stuff like the user mentions and auto detection of urls. If this particular implementation used p instead of br I would have so many more options for CSS. But it's not a simple text replace because p tags require a closing.
I might be able to post process it and turn all but an ending br (which actually should just be nuked) into a p and slash p pair. Hmmm.
really that terrible? I feel like it gives you better control over spacing. In books, for example, you often want to start a new line without any spacing in between the lines. This is done to continue a paragraph instead of starting a new one. This can't be done with

. And if you want to start a new paragraph, you want a complete empty line and not just the half empty line provided by

. This is done with two
Of course, it would be good if machines can keep track of the paragraphs as well. Maybe css is enough to use

tags in conjunction with book formatting but I've never seen it.

Oops. I didn't realize it will process the tags when I write them.
Also fun fact. The engine is called snarkdown. In theory iSnark should be very knowledgeable at markdown since the engine is named after him.
snarkdown (TM) ;-)
TestTest larry's bug in a top level comment/Test