Matrix - 9 months ago - (+2|-0) We are probably moving to a sub of the month because I haven't been on top of changing it. I'm actually between having a sub of the week or of the month, or even having both or all that and day.
In any case we are going to try sub of the month unless someone convinces me otherwise.
We're also going to start voting on it especially if we get to keep it for a little while. But we need nominations first.
So what should be in the sidebar?
To be honest we just don't have that many people here yet so if I set a sub of the week there is a good chance it doesn't get posted to in that time. So a month also gives it more time to get some play from the community.
Then also having nominations and polls on it once a week would be a little over kill, so if I want to involve the community a bit in the selection and ideas (which I desperately need) a month works better.
But it is possible we could do both. In that case the week would be random and the month would be polled. But yeah, to automate the week I would still need ideas.
I would use the TopSubs monthly or yearly numbers to drive what gets displayed, and remove the administrative subs like MovieNights, Test, themes, etc.
GeoPolitics, News, Conspiracy, Rothchilds, Europe, Technology, MeanwhileOnReddit, Corruption, NotTheOnion, Privacy, Economics, Space, AskMatrix, LoTRMeme.
I'm a big believer that you can never have too large a list because we'll vote on it later. The larger the list the higher quality the end result we have. So yeah, absolutely dump sub ideas on me.