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She's just jealous that she has only half the T levels Penny has.


Or because she looks like a veteran burn victim.

Mannn, this not being able to get into upgoat sucks. I wondered if it was cause of the switch to .net? Either way none of my usual passwords are working (swore I changed it), but I only have so many attempts at a time, and I've even used a different device as dwb suggested.

Besides my massive creative dump of music and poetry that probably goes misunderstood at times, I can't see why system would ban me


Why not just make a second account? Or are the registrations locked still?


Yep, books are closed.

At least I'm getting free coke later. Not that I condone it, but it's free, and a few times a year don't hurt.

Of course, if anything should go wrong, send my regards


Yarr. Guess I'm staying in and behaving tonight.

Any movie recommendations?