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But you didn't nominate me. Also, FYI, /u/JasonCarswell cannot post nor comment. While you're at it nominate /u/d3rr.

[@x0x7 generously offers, again, for the umpteenth time:] More mods is more better. That or I can help you write code that can help identify 70% of the most obvious spam with 0% false negative. I'd be more than happy to.

magnora7 occasionally fishes for help, sometimes quietly, sometimes broadly, but never wants any help from anyone that might potentially upstage his ego (except for ban-happy trannies). I'll be gobsmacked if he accepts x0x7's help.

[LOL simp Gravi:] Magnora! Make me an admin and my life is yours!

I hope Gravi is being sarcastic. As if moderating any subs on SaidIt is a sought after role. If it's not just custodial maintenance serving the community then you're doing it wrong with a misguided ego seeking power over others.

fuck magnora7.


I didn't nominate you, cause I didn't want to login.

The canary died long ago.


All hope for SaidIt died when D3 gave up while M7 did nothing of value or lied while remaining stubbornly "in charge".

I now wonder if he/SaidIt was a psyop from day one.

To be fair, in our local Freedom Movement, there are not many effective leaders, lots of egos, lots of average and low IQ folks, lots who fall for the Trump/Poilievre savior delusion, certainly suspected infiltrators/traitors, and of course myself who's tirelessly tried but not be able to effectively accomplish too much with my very limited means - yet. I have too many ideas and projects - but once one takes off I will focus, fuel it, and work it for all its worth, regardless if it's financially successful, influential, or helps people or the freedom cause. There's more to wealth than gold.