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I've been many places on the boards and stuff, so chances are you've met me under one name or another. I play games, I try to not look at politics, I try not to get into arguments, and I sleep a lot.

I live in the communist land of professional treachery, which for those who haven't guessed at the first hint, is Canada where our 338 members of parliament are either traitors themselves, or protecting the traitors. But that's politics. -Leave it alone, Ultrix!

OK so what else? Well, I love talking to people and exchange ideas. Mine are on the far or alt right of the (oh noes, here comes politics again) political spectrum. I mean, I don't even WANT to be on the far right, but I love Hitler, so... Yeah.

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We try to avoid user drama here so hopefully it won't be too hard to avoid arguments. I tend to keep things relatively technical here to make the site less interesting to people whose only exist to have drunken keyboard fights.

You just have to remind folks like that that user drama is for homosexuals, and that they are welcome to be homosexual somewhere else.

We're a free speech community that's a little more focused on building things and sharing our projects with each other.

Not that user drama is bannable. But they will get called a homosexual.

The thing that every newcomer needs to know is that Larry is an amazing kisser.

Also comments support Mark Down

Tux, the Linux mascot


Markdown. Mark Down is not welcome here. He already knows.


He can't help his syndrome, but it's for the best.


That sounds pretty Ghey, not gonna lie...


Can you explain your love for Hitler?

Is this a trendy edgelord statement, an Alt-Right thing, a Woke-Right thing, or do you like his Nat Soc policies?

Do you consider yourself a Nazi, a National Socialist, socialist, communist, Marxist, fascist, and/or totalitarian?

Are you against the Jews or more specifically Zionism?

What do you think of Europa, The Last Battle?

Are you atheist, Buddhist, etc., or have you accepted Jesus as your saviour?

What do you think of Libertarianism, Anarcho-Capitalism, Minimalism, and/or Voluntaryism?

Can you square a circle?


WAAAAY too many -isms for me. I don't categorize, I think it's racist. No, communist. Well... Some sort of -ist, I am sure you could name the correct one, since you seem to be so proficient with them.

Hitler is my hero for having been an incredible leader who took his country from being utterly destitute to be the #1 world power, founded on the interior economic strength that his policies enabled. In a short time, too. Listening to his newly AI-translated speeches in his own voice has been an exhilarating experience, like LIVING history instead of studying it.

I like freedom too, just like he did, so I'm definitely inclined AGAINST big guverment BS.

Europa, the last battle is a nice documentary, informative and truthful.

It could be said I am a Christian, just like uncle Adolf, but I do not follow any sect or denomination's dogmas. Dogmas are for fools, just like religions in general are for superstitious people. And so, how am I a Christian? Well it just happens that my internal and external life matches Christian values fairly thoroughly, once you remove all the superstitions and add critical thinking back in.


All governments are mafias. All leaders are evil. All of them, Churchill, Hitler, FDR, Stalin - they were all evil.

That said, Hitler was clearly the underdog, and the victors write the history in their favour, most if not all of it completely twisted.

Hitler's Germany was never the #1 power or it wouldn't have been defeated. Germany was not a nation until it was united into one. Since then it hasn't been #1 ever.

Some of their socialist policies were very good, some could even be called great. But that doesn't cancel out the other glaring problems - like with any and every nation.

Even worse than the tyranny of nations with their rigged (s)elections, is the bankster-globalist-ruling class-Zionist owned international corporatocracy and their absence of even a fake democracy. "Suffer and obey or else."

I'm a better "Christian" than most who call themselves that, despite me rejecting all religions, faiths, etc. Pure atheist. No authority but my own conscience and common sense (which unfortunately few people have much of).


Most governments are evil. Not all leaders are evil.

Germany was the world's #1 power, but then the commies succeeded in uniting basically the whole world (all of its industrialized base anyway) against it. It was stronger than each of them, but not stronger than all of them together.

It wasn't a nation until it was? You don't say? That is amazing, I will ponder the depths of this wisdom later tonight.

The problem with REPRESENTATIVE systems is the representatives... They are easily bought. The more you concentrate all the cookies in one giant jar, the easier it is to get away with a few cookies and nobody notice.


ALL governments are evil. They are inherently evil systems - a corrupt matrix of rigged systems that serve the ruling class.

ALL government workers, ignorant of the fact or not, are part of a mafia doing evil.

Evil-doers are evil.

Stop doing evil to stop being evil.

You are intentionally self-delusional. Germany was never #1 - but perhaps they might have been had Britain not felt threatened and compelled to stomp them. Twice. There's no shortage of material to prove that in the 1800s Queen Victoria was a reclusive junkie, meanwhile her son was quite evil and brilliant, contrary to typical daft royalty. With his cousins and others of the ruling class, he co-planned the first and second Great Wars despite not living long enough to see them through. Britain was still #1 across the entire globe and needed to thwart all threats to their hegemony AND reunify with the USA. First they sank the Titanic in 1912 killing a few stubborn billionaires, in 1913 snuck in the Federal Reserve Act to rebrand and relaunch the 3rd Central Bank, and started the income tax to fund The Great War (The Corbett Report goes deep into this). The rest cascaded after that as planned.

Just as the unification of Italy annexed states into a kingdom ending in 1861, Germany wasn't always a nation. There is undoubtedly an abundance of history in Europe, but the German Federation didn't form until 1815. Like all nation states, they could never get along with their neighbours. The German Empire only lasted from 1871 to 1918.

The problem with representatives is the corrupt systems that allow them to exist as such. People notice. It's not just a few cookies. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Decentralize all the things to reduce the corruption.


Spot on.