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If you pop out the chat and then resize the window, it will have a size that fits with the old window size. It's a nice touch to have it redraw automatically on window resize.

@x0x7 do you see all these? So I've switched to giving suggestions as they occur to me but I oftentimes don't receive feedback for these.

Comment preview

Also, as I look at this page, all the text is the same size. Few items are presented with more or less importance.

(self) is 0.8em

Write your comment here... seems larger.

Except for the header that's about it.

I would get rid of the "Sidebar" title and just have the two submit options.

I would join the "Sub of Now" and "Suggested Subs" into one box and have the subs be a smaller text size to save room. Box sizing, framing, borders, and even left-edges should have some consistency for a cohesive theme, but that's a whole other discussion. There's way too much space wasted between the body of individual posts and the sidebox that is not present on the front page.

I would dramatically reduce the size of the Chat dialogue so it's more readable. If folks want to read it larger they can open it into a separate tab.

Maybe it might be worth designing some layouts in Illustrator for folks to comment on and vote on and develop - then we could CSS-match them for theme options.

Ach, listen, I’m not kvetching, but wouldn’t it be a bissel nice—maybe even educational—if when we logged in, we had to pass a little test? Something wholesome, you know, like translating a passage from the Torah into a foreign tongue like English. A little practice never hurt nobody, nu? I think we’d all come out a little smarter, a little more cultured. Just a thought, not a complaint.


Go to if you want to be tested on each page load.




Yeah. I see it. This is one of the downsides of using a library. In this case I'm using jquery-ui. It ends up doing the calculation for the box. These days I generally avoid javascript sizing, but back when I did whatever function applied the size was always easy enough to attach to window.addEventListener('resize',setChatWindowSize); But because jquery-ui is doing it I don't even know what function causes the sizing.

The use of jquery-ui in general may die in general because there are more modern html-5+ ways of doing this. But to be quick and dirty I used the jquery-ui method because it was known. If I used html5 <modal> or <dialog> likely any code I made to fix this wouldn't carry over.

I'm still trying to figure those out because by my experience they just behave like normal divs that you just add the necessary css to, but it's claimed they do automagic dialog things by tech influencers, so I need to figure out what's going on in the gap of my experience and how they've been described.

Making a dialog out of a div isn't that hard. After all that's what jquery-ui did. It just short-cutted me doing it directly (which I've done before).

But let's be honest. For a feature that few use, that has larger bugs, for a sub-variant of use where someone resizes a window when 97% of the internet just uses full screen, for an implementation that will reasonably be scrapped... it's probably not going to happen.

But I added it to the todo list.


I sometimes move the window from the one monitor to the other, that's one plausible situation where the bug will occur. It may not occur often but when it does it's really ugly, it's a rough edge, that's reason to at least give it some priority.