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Pagination can also be a bit annoying because you have to load a new page each time. I think most people won't look beyond page 1 of anything. I recommend it becomes customizable but also that the default is set to 20. Perhaps it could grow as the site grows.

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Really you guys need infinite scrolling. Just put everything on a circle array and let the user scroll for ever!


Infinite scrolling, on the other hand, is obnoxious. The bottom of a page should be dedicated to a footer with links imo. In all honesty it's good ux if you put the links elsewhere but it's one of those disappointing things about modern web design and it's cool not to go along with it. It's part of a pattern of capturing people's attention by maximizing the time they spend on your website / in your app.

Ok, hear me out. Infinite scrolling, but on the bottom is a footer with links. when you move the mouse close to it, its scrolls the page automatically, so its a massive MASSIVE pain in the ass. like when you accidentally middle mouse click and get the auto scroll tool, like that but built in!


Okay, that's pretty ingenious.