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Old niggerfaggot here. Would love to see a light theme option in the setting page.

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I made a few tweaks to my custom.css file (I'm using Safari) that really help with readability. I am happy now.

If I find the post about how to post css, I'll post the changes to my css file :-)


Sweet. That's really awesome. Basically posting CSS is pretty easy. You just make a normal text post in /s/Themes, and paste in CSS. And it's now a theme. For legibility starting and ending the post with triple back ticks, ```, will turn it into a code block so it looks nicer.


I personally like the look and feel of SearchVoat. I suspect that that's an out-of-the-box solution as opposed to an organically built effort. Give it a look...


Fuck yes, another PhpBB board!


What's that forum about? Why not use the original?

@LarrySwinger has a board like that.


The original died :<


I thought Voat was a Reddit-style forum.

I used to prefer that phpBB style for lack of a better term. Now I don't care and recognize there are pros and cons to each.

For years I used to suggest that SaidIt could dev a few layout formats for users to choose from - Reddit-style, Facebook-style, and phpBB-style (plus customizable options).

Also, I'm a firm believer there should be light/dark modes and 3 user-modes for all GUIs: Basic/PlugNPlay, Advanced, and Expert.


Nice. There is probably a lot I can learn from them. Unless I'm missing a theme button that seems pretty dark themed.

Here's what I've been asking for people to give me lately. Let me know what specifically you like about that site; because I want more action items I can actually put in my todo list. Ultimately I'm going to have to turn your suggestion into:

Make Matrix do {blank} similar to {link}.

If my task ends up like "Make matrix more like searchvoat" I'm going to favor other tasks every time. And that's the way my system works. If I disfavor a task enough relative to others I never even see it again.


I did play around with CSS to modify this into a light theme. I didn't quite get to results I liked. The goal would be to use the least CSS possible to keep as much CSS in common with the dark theme.

Once actually good light CSS has been found the move would be to add it to /s/Themes and then add some drop down to settings that will quick load some themes selected as official. That would make the theme easy to apply and keep the theme system open.

Honestly I wish iSnark hadden't cluttered /s/Themes with his attempts to learn CSS. He was using it as a beginners CSS playground because he didn't know any other way to play with CSS. Maybe I should have directed him to /s/ThemePlayground and tried to encourage /s/Themes to be for a published end result.


Just as you have the "Custom" drop down menu, perhaps you could have a "Theme" drop down menu - or put it in settings. Or in settings have options for folks to display in GUI or only in settings.