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Each draw call represents a command sent to the graphics API (like DirectX or OpenGL) to render a set of polygons, which comprise the objects you see in a game. More draw calls can lead to heavier load on the CPU, especially as it communicates with the GPU. Each unique material and shader combination in a scene potentially incurs additional draw calls. If ten objects use the same material and can be batched together, they might result in fewer draw calls compared to ten objects each using a different material. Here we have combined a bunch of individual meshes into one mesh. Merging multiple mesh data (vertices, normals, UVs) into a single mesh - In a game, this technique can be particularly useful when you have many static objects that do not move but take up many draw calls due to their individual meshes and materials. In a dungeon game, if each floor tile is an individual mesh with its own material, a 10x10 room results in 100 meshes and potentially 100 or more draw calls if each tile has unique material properties. By combining these meshes into one, all these tiles are drawn in one go. By merging meshes, the number of draw calls drops significantly because the GPU processes all these tiles as a single object. Alongside mesh combining, if these combined meshes use the same material or share materials efficiently (material batching), the rendering process becomes much more efficient. Instead of separate draw calls for each tile's material, one draw call can handle all tiles using the same material.