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I notice it's clipping to the object. That's definitely more realistic. But I could see how since you are also doing animations that you are going to have to make the animation agree with some part of it being fixed. Of course there are ways to make that work having the elbow's position calculate to where the shoulder's point and the wrist's point agree. But seems like it would be more work when most games would just let things slide.
I assume you aren't doing a full physics sim on every part in the body because if you have that working with animations that's impressive. --- Steering behaviors are what drives the hand and head object IK/Aim constraint. Those constraints have normalized weights of how much they override your animations. So when the parkour sensors in the above gif sense an object, its can move its hands to that object. I should take the normal of that surface and rotate the box to that (which would rotate the wrist) to place the hand more naturally on the surface. There weights get set to 0 when in an overriding animation like a roll or an attack, but when moving around they may be set to 1 when the sensor goes off or if you click on an item to grab it. Still thinking that your clicks are your hands, so left click to grab an item with your left hand, right click for right hand, both to 2 handed items, shift click to toss it. middle mouse currently changes the view. There may be a game dynamic were your dudes need both hands to haul resources, so you have to have a combination of unarmed and armed people when venturing out. lol, IDK!