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I am trying to figure out if all of this is one game or several. We have a wagon going through a forested area. We have other places that seem like endless urban sprawl. And then we have dungeon crawling. If every building has a dungeon, and every hex has a city, this is a very big game.
I feel the game loop is as follows : explore map -> find towns -> buy/sell/hire/get quests/get rumors {quests/rumors force spawn dungeon} -> find dungeon/go to quest dungeon -> fight shit -> loot {what fits in the inventory/weight/food/travel time to turn in quest} -> go to town. That's kind of the loop i think. So you find towns and dungeons about the map, you can clear out the dungeon, you get loot and decide what you can keep, team members die or fall out of favor so you have to replace them by hiring people which costs money, money you get from loot/doing quests. Its an "organic" process.