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Have you ever thought about doing any web demos? I know unity can target web.
I have not considered it as of yet. Im still ironing out stuff and want it to pop. I feel that my new approach to generating the mesh for the dungeon scene may be the wrong way and i had it correct the first time. That being said, i still have yet to actually do what i had intended to do with it. I have a custom tool i built that lets me combine all the textures into N number of texture atlases of x by y dimensions (2k by 2k currently), and then it spits those out along with keeping a reference of the uv's to tile number to atlas number. I need to use mesh.combine() to combine all the mesh and then i can assign 1 mat per atlas to that and adjust the UV of each tile to reflect the assigned graphic. This means it would have 2 draw calls for the full thing. Currently, i am not doing that, and its doing 1 draw call per object in the camera's view. So a 10 x 10 room is now 100 draw calls and not, say, 2. So thats some backend stuff that needs to get done, but also i need to have a more comprehend-able game loop as this is both selling the game as is - and my KLEP approach. Which is going very well! It works amazing for game development, even without the fancy RL stuff/memory stuff/ethics stuff/emotion stuff. A bare bones KLEP system allows me to make properties dynamically and organically as i develop the enemy AI. Further, these components are swappable - i can slap on my pathfinding and moveTo executable on anything with a KLEPNeuron and then that neuron will use it. This is how i plan to allow the user to jump from character to character while letting the rest of his team work autonomously.
As for the game, its a lot of work, and my health is not the best. But i try. I have 3 games in one, and each one is interconnected. The over world is kind of done, but we will see, because i want to put in random encounters and have a narrator KLEP system providing flavor text/opportunities. The city scene needs a lot of work. I need to switch the rendering pipeline from 2d to 3d during that scene (not hard to do really), and that will allow me to use some 3d models and assets that i can make in maya fairly quickly. Also i need to visit the NPC system i have and polish that up. Then the dungeon scene still needs the combat and the loot and to animate the "puppets", which is what im calling the 2d top down characters. So its a lot of work, but i think by the end of this month it will be coming together. Each day i get further, is fun for me!