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I saw from earlier posts that you are making these things destructible. How much is the animation going to differ is he is missing one foot? Maybe he can't role then. How will it know what is still in its move set?
My current approach is to just kind of ignore it. But, it would be that hard to track what parts are missing and then exclude animations based on that. The major hurdle is that its two system communicating, the mechanime animation controller in unity and my C# coding solution for the character controller. These lets it know how far forward the joystick is pressed and this in turn is used to decided how fast that move forward animation plays and which move forward animation to use (walk vs run). So if i want to put in a "hop" or "crawl" because the unit is missing a leg or legs, then i have to build that animation and put it in there, and this would have to be done for each character/unit i want to put in. So, not impossible, but it add to the workload and there is still already so much i want/need to implement. i still like the idea of cascading failure so if a shoulder is blown out then the rest of the arm falls off. I want the units to be fragile to encourage the user to take in teams and have to hop between controlling entities (with different weapon load outs) to maximize their presence and effectiveness in dungeons or defending cities. I think dungeons will be more squad based crap, and cities will be a wave defense RTS.