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KLEP, Key Lock Executable Process, is a symbolic AI protected under Provisional Patent Application #63/625,138 of my own invention. This is a gif showing the KLEP system responding to user input (Movement from W-A-S-D key input) and collecting data about its surrounding (Light source is modified by a Time Sensor getting the global time, Hex sensor is getting data from what hex it is over). KLEP is easy to understand, all keys and all locks have an attraction value, an executable is gated behind locks, an agent may select an executable to fire if its unlocked. If there are many unlocked executables, the agent will fire the one with the highest key+lock attraction value. That is it in essence.
Lets get confusing. Executables may be marked as in tandem. This means an executable may fire alongside any other executables. Therefore, these are immune to the agents pick and choose, because they will fire if they are valid and can execute. There are 4 types of executables in klep, sensors, routers, actions and goals. Sensors produce keys from the world around them. Actions effect the world around them based on keys. Routers convert keys into other keys. Goals manage a series of executables (goals are executables, so a goal may manage a series of goals). This has lent to the creation of SARG - a shorthand approach to designing KLEP architecture (Sensors, Actions, Routers, Goals).
{SensorKeyboard} --> WKey/AKey/SKey/DKey --> |LockWASD-Input| --> {ActionMoveCircle}
The sensor is marked as in tandem, as is the action to move the circle. When a key is pressed on the keyboard, a KlepKey is generated and pushed to the KlepNeuron. KlepAgent then looks at the keys held in the neuron and first fires all in tandem executables. If any of those keys generated by the sensor are there, then that action is validated, and then the circle can move. This also happens with the Hex Info sensor, when an agent is over a hex, that hex data (terrain type, movement cost, resources, danger ... so on) is pushed to the Neuron. This then, in turn, effects the movement speed for the circle. The Time
Key effects the intensity of the circles "torch".
Keys may be traded among other klep systems. The goal will then be to trade or share certain keys with a narrator Klep system, which will unlock certain story beats or parts. Say you double crossed an npc in a town, and you are getting attack. Well, your neuron may have that DoubleCrossKEY there, and it may have time tied to its attraction. You get into a random encounter, the narrator could see that that double cross key has a high attraction, and then select a fight that lines up with any other data that that key contains (faction that was wronged, how weak the player was at that time, so on). Keys may carry ANY information in addition to their name and attraction. Hash sets, lists, strings, co routines, anything. These may be criteria to unlock locks, they dont have to, but they can be.
Thanks for reading, i hope you found it interesting. If you want to know more, i have a weekly youtube series going into the deeper parts of my implementation of this system.
(its not very good, i dont know what i am doing, lol)