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Interesting industrial economics.
If only it were that simple and easy without (much) bloodshed.

It reminds me a bit of what I remember hearing what the Spore game as being like.

The guy in the game should just make chips to make a computer to make a game to simulate what he should do.
Or he could make an A.I. to tell him what to do.
Or he could make an A.I. and robots to do it and then tell him what to do or die.

I actually watched the whole thing (at 2.5x).

I never imagined my Bittersweet Seeds as having a specific sequel, prequel, or game - but I'm not against it if it can work (though I doubt any could be as good).

well, if you haven't played factorio, i definitely recommend it. The dev is based, the libs tried to cancel the guy, they came out with essentially factorio 2.0 about a month(??) ago. Its one of those games where you look at the clock and you say, "wow, i did not want to stay up till 4am. Fuck."


I don't play games. Only chess a little, sometimes - but not since my friend died. He liked one from the 1990s too. If I was going to play games it might be like that, Spore, Fez, Myst, etc. Not shooting things.

Based how? Don't recall anything like that in that video. What was the Libs issue(s)?

I don’t get much time to play games anymore, which really sucks. These days, I mostly watch Let’s Plays or skip through them to get a general sense of what a game is about. Knowing what’s on the market and how it’s being received is super valuable to me, even if I can’t dive in myself.

When I do get the chance to play, I gravitate toward simulation/puzzle games or RPGs. That said, I think skipping first-person shooters does a huge disservice to yourself—there are some incredible story-driven FPS games out there. Fallout: New Vegas, Far Cry 3, and Deus Ex are perfect examples.

In Far Cry 3, you play as a preppy college kid who gets kidnapped by pirates and ends up racking up a serious body count. Over the course of the game, you see his internal monologue unravel as the sheer number of people he’s killed takes a toll on him. The voice acting is phenomenal and really sells his descent into madness.

If you’re interested, here’s a clip that showcases the tone and voice acting: Far Cry 3 Clip


I've found from Doom or Quake or whatever it was that we played at Topix Animation Studio in 1995+ gave me headaches and motion nausea. Never found it compelling.

Movies used to have better writing and characters, but now Hollywood is spread way to thin across the infinite of channels/subscriptions, micro-genres, games, indie-media, etc. Like the music industry, (((Hollywood))) is almost a walking corpse.

Not impressed with the model and animation in In that clip. The acting and voice are okay. The player seems to have sunk to new lows.

He called someone out for calling to cancel someone else, which then turned the lib shits on him. a quick google search also points to this reddit post which claims he is defending pedo shit. That i didn't know about, but i also dont 100% trust because Headline > reality to most people. So i dunno if the guy is a massive POS or not, but he stood up to cancel culture and was attempted to be canceled over it.


Fascinating stuff.

Shame he had to get crude about it.

I suppose I may regret some of my history if I ever gain influence or success.


I'm downloading the linux demo now:

oh neat. out of anyone i would think this would be up your ally.