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Osama died from bad kidneys or liver (I forget which) in December 2001, if I recall correctly, and the Obama psyop about Seal Team Six was nonsense from beginning to end.

If they could supply me with a bunch of weapons (and cash, drugs, and women) I wouldn't mind the inevitable end. Life is a sexually transmitted disease that no one survives. I'd rather have "one bad day" than fade away over years or decades with some wasting disease.


It was interesting that Al Quida in the middle east was tampering down because even the purported right hand man of Osama was getting old. We had pulled out of Iraq. There was less reason for the US to be on the radar in the Middle East. And then by purportedly assassinating him we made Al Quida relevant again right before a critical anniversary. And just in time to excite Islamists during the Arab Spring. Bengazi happened later that year right around 9/11.

This increased relevance of Wahabi/Salafist Islam that year, along with Al Quida's inability to hold that torch is what gave us ISIS that we had to deal with for years. Al Bagdadi would have had a much harder time developing relevance at the moment he did.


Nice pi day pun.