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To me the real value of exercise a few things:

  • Blood sugar management. Your body has to do extra work just to keep blood sugar from not rising after being sedentary for a few hours
  • Fitness. There is value in your body being more capable
  • Circulation. It goes down as you age. You want blood getting everywhere. And then there is a combo of fitness and circulation where you want your circulatory capacity higher.

I've started looking at it as minimizing load where sedentariness exposes the body to a different kind of load.

So you want multiple light workouts to reduce the duration of rest. And then one harder workout to get you VO2-max and push the muscles a little.


I want blood getting everywhere (unlike Dexter).

Without your health you have nothing.

Too few folks realize that in time.

I'm saving up for a Berkey water filter and 3+ months of carnivore to see if it suits me. 1 month over a year ago was inconclusive.

And I'm looking forward to hearing about a trustworthy A.I. to help me manage my time, focus, health, etc. I may be waiting a while.