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If you were to set up solar panels and do the whole getting paid to contribute to the grid thing... and then also set up a gas/diesel powered generator behind a capacitor to subsidize, do you think they would give you the same "green energy" rates they offer to incentivize solar?

It's not so much green energy, and more of a green energy related question.

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What does "behind a capacitor" mean?

It almost sounds like you want to set up panels to use and feed the grid - plus you also want to set up a generator to use (when cloudy, or perpetually, etc.) and feed the grid.

First concern: They will find out that you have sunny days when no one else does. So I'd be sure to find out if it's okay to do or not.

Second: They may allow you now, but they may also change their minds in 4 or 8 or whenever years.

Third: Good idea.

Fourth: Before you start, make sure you aren't paying more for the generator and fuel to make electricity than they are paying you for that electricity.

Fifth: When I lived in the old Dutch Boy Lead Paint Factory turned artists lofts in Oakland, we built a veggie oil to biodiesel station, right next to our 4 types of welding bay. It sounds way riskier than it actually was. Our friends would rotate turns picking up old veggie oil from restaurants who were glad to not have to pay for its disposal. Free fuel. Downside: the perpetual smell of fries kept you hangry. Upside: lots of fuel for gennies at Burning Man where people liked the smell.

Sixth: There is no sixth thing.


It's definately not a matter of getting permission.

I'd put hot rocks in water next to each other to make power if I could.


My point is that for "green energy" reasons they may come up with excuses (now and/or later) to not to pay you for contributing to the grid if they don't view it as "green".

All energy is inherently political because they make it so.

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I'm talking about a different kind of hot rocks. The kind that get hotter if you put them near each other in water.


Build a molten salt thorium reactor in your basement and power your entire neighbourhood.

What?!?! Your testicles do that too!?!


#5 sounds fun.


Best years of my life.

Living the second-best (tied with a few), now knowing what I know.

Rather than system-entrenched parents and schooling, imagine if we'd grown up aware how much further ahead we and our communities might be.