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That's exactly what I thought of when I read the title!

What's the deal with jews? You know, with their long noses and greedy behaviour and infiltration of governments which they then run into the ground? Like, what the hell is that necessary for? Am I right??


Always looking for deals when they can't steal it.

Is it a conspiracy that deal and steal rhyme?


Yes. I know the committee that made that decision. It was the rhyme our crimes deputation that has operated as a detached unit of the shadow Knesset for the last 1800 years.


Either my pronunciation and emphasis is off or that did not rhyme.

Or perhaps iambic pentameter was your intent. (Shakespeare was a psyop.)


It's slant rhyme. The fact that you could see where the rhyme was intended even though I didn't indicate that there should be one means it at least sort of worked.


Too many syllables.

Or by slant rhyme do you mean something other than haikus?