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After seeing this video a minute ago I was reminded that over the last few years I've seen some currency fake-outs (not printing money like that video) that were gimmicks to share info and bring people to websites for more info.
For example, you'd have a $20 bill face on one side but on the other side it would explain how cash is king and list 6 ways the CBDCs will ruin everything. Now that I have a new colour laser printer and Projex.Wiki, I should dig that up, improve it if possible, share it online, and print a bunch of them.
Since I'm designing wine labels, button-pins, freedom pamphlets, and other projects, it seems like I should also print my own Phunny Moneh™.
But what to print?
I don't know anything about the legal nonsense that surrounds currencies and printing.
I don't know anything about generating good serial numbers or why it might matter. It wouldn't be difficult to keep track of the numbers on an open wiki ledger.
I don't really want to add my signature to anything like this but maybe an imprinting stamp might be good to apply.
I just thought of this five minutes ago. I feel like there's potential but am in a hurry to get to work.
Other ideas?
Banksy did that and stopped cuz it was too easy to pass it off as actual money. Used GPT to find the reference for me AND it found a link to the documentary where he talks about it.
In the 2010 documentary Exit Through the Gift Shop, directed by Banksy, there's a segment where Banksy discusses an incident involving the creation of counterfeit currency. He produced £1 million worth of fake £10 notes, replacing the image of the Queen with Princess Diana's and altering the text to read "Banksy of England." These notes were intended as art pieces, but when he realized they could be easily mistaken for real currency, he decided against distributing them to avoid legal issues.
Cash is still letting a few with guns print value out of thin air to steal it from the rest of the market. It's the real way the banks came to own everything, while everything is really just borrowed from them. Marxists will say it's because of lending but the math doesn't check out.
CBDC is just another level of control, but there is no reason to convince a lot of people that cash notes are great. By selling people on that you sell them on a minor scale ideology that will not serve them well in the long run. Maybe its an ideology that is useful in avoiding something worse. But in that sense National Socialism was a great ideology for avoiding Marxism in Germany. But now we still have people supporting it today long after its temporary usefulness.
Money is going to evolve. The question is who evolves it. Likely it will benefit those who create that evolution. So do we the people evolve money or does the banks/governments/central banks/large tech?