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Maybe it's not entirely BS. I researched shit. It is very easy to fellow NPC NPCs, and get them to question things.
I basically told them they are sheep for liking avocado toast. That should limit the number of libtards thinking I should be impressed when they tell me they had avocado toast. And that is motive enough really. If I can cut down their snobbishness even a little this world is becoming more tolerable.
I'm telling you. Start culture jamming libtards. If you aren't willing to reprogram NPCs you aren't willing to win.
Thank you to @JasonCarswell because I based it partly on your post here https://goatmatrix.net/c/Corruption/6HwRyHpAtD
Glad some of my shares are not a waste of time.
Great article! Great angle.
Make culture jamming and culture hacking great again!
You might appreciate this woodworker's efforts to rally a scammer-jammer community:
"I want my $17,000 back" (34:52) ~ Blacktail Studio
My only minor criticism, if you can consider it such, if it can be applied, is that I didn't see mention of the Military Industrial Complex and it's financial and environmental costs, regardless of where you stand on any of the conflicts, deep state engagements, and unwanted global policing from 1000+ perma-bases. Stopping wars is easier than stopping meat.
Have you had any thoughts on developing Lemmy and a non-woke federation of Deplorables? We've been talking about it for years, and more... https://Projex.Wiki/wiki/Fringe_Deplorables_Web_Ring + https://Projex.Wiki/wiki/Cassandra_Team
Sorry about the name. It was late for me. Lol, carsell.
We should also use their terminology for the opposite (i.e. humane) ends. For example: we should end the inhumane intolerance of systematic ostracism (aka cancel culture), and end the marginalization of traditionalists, nationalists, etc.
Actually, it's very alluring to simply play their game of NLP techniques / rhetoric, but by doing so you're stooping to their level and falling into nonintellectual habits. It'd take effort to become more intellectual again, and also it makes you look bad toward people who did keep their heads. It's difficult. One may have to forego influencing society and just limit their focus to non-NPCs.
Or if you want to have influence, an alternative to co-opting their existing values is inviting a radical turnaround. The problem is that most people are dumb as shit and as a result let themselves be led by rhetoric. Whoever is willing to play the rhetoric game will have more influence. But an alternative approach is to develop and install religion in people. Like psy-ops, religion utilizes cognitive dissonance: you convince people of something absurd, so that they cannot easily turn back, and as a result the associated values are also hard to erase. So we should convince people that wokeism is morally wrong, instill a sense of guilt for having followed it, and show them a way to repentence toward a more humane conduct. It's difficult because people are very brainwashed, but it is possible. When cuckdowns happened I made sure to note the positive side: it was a proof of how flexible the human psyche is, and this can also be utilized in positive ways. Examples of religions that brainwash people for positive ends are Christianity and National Socialism. I feel iffy about Christianity because it still promotes the NPC, or at least that's my observation, maybe Christianity manifests in a different way in 'murica but this is the situation in jewrope. But maybe most people are gonna be NPCs either way. There should be a brahmin non-NPC class of conspiracy realists who have political influence.
So if I try to persuade people I often disagree with instead of entirely ignoring them I'm not an intellectual?
You said there should be a brahman of non-NPC conspiracy realists who have political influence. How is this brahman going to have political influence if it only self associates?
You said that Christianity results in positive ends. Then lets look at Jesus Christ. Did he associate only with people who thought exactly the same way he does? Do you see how much influence he's had by not adopting your silo'ism.
You say it is better to invite a radical turnaround. Ok. I invite you to do the opposite of your current line of thinking. That's a radical invitation. Either those invitations work and you'll start doing that, or it doesn't and it's unfruitful to attempt it with others. If the second then you now have evidence that your world view is wrong. That you do have to meet people where they are. And with that evidence you should use it to at least nudge your current mindset.
Also I don't think National Socialism does any good. In fact it takes people who are already questioning the system and current power and pushes them off a cliff of stupidity. Yes it is good at questioning some of the sacred cows of differently brainwashed people and that's kind of cool. But you can do that without National Socialism. The fact that National Socialism has to red pill people in other ways first before they can adopt national socialism means that people are able to get those red pill without having adopted national socialism. Like how can we scoff at the small mindedness of NPCs, obsessed with their celebrities and politicians, if we were to adopt an ideology that literally believes in cult of personality?