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If we just had a vote every year to have them all hung it might make a difference, even if it never passes. When they see it hit 30% it will shock them, and when they see it inch up to 40% they will be terrified. They at that point will realize they can't keep sucking and can't just rest on reelection. Acting on their fear it will never hit 50% but it will do it's job without actually hanging anyone.

And I'm not advocating breaking the law. I'm just advocating a policy change. That's perfectly legal, even if it is violent. People propose violent policy changes all the time. 90% of them are.


It's not violence if it's defensive.

This corruption, along with the arguably worst examples, needs to be promoted somehow.

Perhaps a Top 20 list that is updated annually with a vast list of contenders, topical fields, and related tangents. Something more than just a forum, pol, wiki, etc. plus info-campaigns promotional networks that can withstand infiltrators, misinfo, etc.

Sunshine is the best disinfectant. We must use it and our tech before they chemtrail us and rot FLOSS into oblivion.


You can't spell Machiavellian with out A.I.