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Here is the 1st Chapter (again) with the formatting that i am thinking of. i am not entirely sold on the art "style" i came to for the illuminated margins, but i do think that it works. I want you guys opinion on how the drop case looks, if the formatting makes it hard to read, so on.

I'm still thinking of doing little pre chapter content like little D&D esk maps and charts and stuff. I'm an old gamer, that stuff isn't hard for me to make.

@Jason @Larry @x0

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I don't mind the formatting. I don't know why but some paragraphs feel really close to each other even though I'm sure it uses constant spacing. You know it's good when the only complaint I have is actual bs.

I guess actually the "drop case" gets a little annoying toward the end where there are very many short paragraphs due to dialogue. Maybe the dialogue paragraphs can get extra spacing, and maybe a reduced drop case.

I was reading too fast! its called drop cap, lol! Thank you for the complement! :-)


One of the illustrators I like, but my fave of faves.


My first thoughts are that it's good. Professional, but not great - in my opinion.

Love the capitalization of each paragraph. IMO the capitals ("drop case"?) would be better smaller and less heavy - except for the only the chapter's first paragraph capital could be larger, perhaps even with calligraphy or flourish letters. The paragraphs are spaced too far apart. The clear distinction between paragraphs (different from lines) is good (and is missing on SaidIt's default CSS theme). The chapter title is good, but again there's too much space down to the paragraph, IMO.

I don't like the light-grey blobs. They're not even Art Deco or anything recognizable. If up to me I would go with fine-line art that can swirl around your pages without weighting it down (and you could still make notes in the margin over it). Thin lines to decorate but not BLOCK in or distract once used to it. Also, I'd consider "framing" the page numbers in the corner, whether with a simple ovoid or a swirl or whatever. I like the idea of the chapter title being framed too. You may want to plan to frame illustrations.

Another idea to consider... You have a 10% grey border that is not very dark. You could make the entire page 10% grey and then add white decorations for a more "illuminated" margins. Even white plus black fine-lines, whether as full illustrations, just outlines, or minimally to help define the white designs.

Last page is absent decorations.

It seems to me this is a great start! As with many first passes further tweaking would improve it. I often over-animate so it's too obvious, then pull it back to find the refined animation required. I feel like you've over done it with heavy blocks that can be dialed back.

this is what i am talking about. heck yeah jason! i agree with you about the drop case (large letters staring a new paragraph). i'll jiggle the values for the line spacing. Yeah, i agree on the margin art, im not married to the output i am getting. still trying to really hit a good look for that, but on the plus side its all automated. If i want 500 i can just tell computer to go BRRRRR. I like the idea of using a solid grey and having negative space accent it. I think thats a dope idea! the idea for an illuminated character for the chapter starting line (like in old manuscripts) is VERY doable and i think a great idea as well!

I'm designing the D&D stuff RN and will append that to the end of the chapter once im finished. Just gotta write a few more things. I'm excited to let you see it and hear your input on that!


Is "drop case" the official term or one you made up? I forgot "illuminated letters" was the term, even though I have a book entirely dedicated to them with many other books including them and countless other ancient-classic-baroque-romantic fonts. I was confused by your "illuminated margins" but now get it.

Before you start designing you should probably pick your era(s) and influence(s) to solidify your worldbuilding aesthetic. For some reason I've had 3 eras spring to mind: Victorian/Dickensian (with your character banter), Art Deco (with your ornate margins), Medieval (with the illuminated letters and margins). Why these? Likely because I've seen these implemented many times. However, if you have a different or specific style in mind, it's worth clarifying it, at the very least in your own mind.

Hey, good call. Thats what i get for reading too fast! its Drop Caps!

A or B? I'm thinking kind of a gangs of newyork meets the shire motif, as union busting and unfair employment practices plays a role in the novel. If you know your anime, i'd say full metal alchemist, the movie more so than the series, or howls moving castle for the more wealthy areas, uh... sprinkle on a little bit of emerging steam punk technologies and you got yourself a stew going on! current word count is 120k + modules and the first module was about 3k words. so prob lump on another 20k words for it and boom. there ya go. I want a publishers copy by my birthday, which is mid February; so i gotta work fast!

The ID document is set up for two formatting styles, the book layout and the D&D layout. The D&D layout is double column with maps n shiiiittteeee....

sneak preview of the first map!

I am working fast because i have other things i want to get back to. Sorry if this is too fast, but please understand that i really do appreciate your input and insight! I just have so much to do and so little time, as do we all!


Don't know what that map is supposed to be other than a building that is extremely improbable and impractical - except for maybe gaming with suspended logic. The illustration style seems good.


I think you should use a sepia background and also distinguish between newline and new paragraph. Only new line should be indented, while the first line of any paragraph should be outdented. I only scanned the text but my estimate is that it has to only be 3-4 paragraphs. Margins are alright maybe not do the zigzag thing idk.