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About that Wave Of Terror book, my friend texted me...


Audio book? One of my many woke writer friends did it. Very pricey. Well over $2,000.

Above is a Russian lit site, where my dad's book is for free online in English. There are more sites, but I'd have to look around.

Also, Latvia suffered under the same Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of 1939, as in my dad's book.

Wanted to add. That trans Last Supper image at the Olympics is pure Marxism, not even original.

In 'Wave' my dad has Last Supper image also. Stalin is in the middle, & his henchmen on either side. Posters were plastered everywhere in Soviet Union 4 demoralization. (But in transl, that chapter got edited out. In retrospect, I should have kept the image and plopped it in somewhere else in the book.)



This book is by my friend's father - and she translated it to English.

She and I are working on our Protect Freedom pamphlet among other freedom movement related things.